Italy 24 Press News

Enel, the long-awaited price cut has finally arrived: the news starting in July

News from Enel about a price cut, maybe Italian families will finally be able to save again.

Il energy cost in our country it has arrived at unsustainable levelsand it is of little use knowing that the cause is the ongoing wars. Families are no longer able to pay their bills, and this difficulty is added to the many others due to the loss of purchasing power.

Enel announced a cut in energy prices –

After the continuous rate increases by all operatorsi, l’Enel announcement gives hopeeven if by investigating more deeply details of considerable importance emerge.

Enel cuts energy prices, but is it really convenient?

Enel’s announcement about a price cut was disclosed recently, and the reduction in tariffs will come into effect from July 1st 2024. However, this is the Charging station rates for electric cars.

Enel lowers charging prices for electric cars –

Il number of green vehicles is increasing and consequently also the refill market is in turmoil. In addition to Enel, there are other operators that offer the service, at more or less convenient prices.

Starting Starting from July 1st, Enel X will cut the price per kWh by 5 cents for his charging stations fast and ultrafast and the denomination will be available for both pay-as-you-go and subscription top-ups. However, prices do not drop for alternating current columns up to 22 kW. Here is the table of new prices that will be in effect from July 1st:

  • alternating current charging (up to 22 kW) – 0.69 euro/kWh;
  • fast direct current columns (up to 150 kW) – go from 0.89 to 0.84 euro/kWh
  • high-power HPC columns (over 150 kW) – go from 0.99 to 0.94 euros/kWh.

Many motorists have chosen to turn on subscriptions to save even more. For example, with Enel’s Pay-per-use Premium 15, you spend 9 euros per month on a subscription, an amount that is however recovered with just one “full tank”.

Obviously, savings and convenience are not only given by energy tariffs but also by consumption habits of motoristsso each person chooses the solution that best suits their needs.

Reading the various comments on social media, for example, one discovers that in reality the cut announced by Enel will not fill the pockets of citizens with money, because in any case In Italy, charging costs almost double than in the rest of the EU countries and yet they are there suppliers who offer lower priceslike those of the Tesla supercharger network.

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