Italy 24 Press News

interesting meeting at the Chamber of Commerce building

ALLUMIERE – The third literary meeting on the theme “Law and Patriarchy” took place in Allumiere in the external courtyard of the Palazzo Camerale, Casa delle Arti.

The lawyer Luana Sciamanna delved into the topic in depth and, through the precise questions of the journalist Elisa Castellucci, explored the topic in depth, guiding the public through a legal and, more generally, cultural connotation.

Patriarchy means “law of the father” and historically the term indicated the dominance of the father over the family in the domestic sphere: “Today, however, by patriarchy we mean a society in which power is predominantly in the hands of men or in any case a specific way of exercising power means recognizing it, even when it is women who take on its symbolic value, in its lexical forms, in the rejection of the feminine declination of roles of power, in the scant choice of other women in top roles – explains the president of Femminile. , plural”, Brunella Franceschini – fighting patriarchy, today, means recognizing it and opposing its forms of domination – even if personified by female figures – in the progressive erosion of the conquests that have marked a space of freedom and civilization. Patriarchy also passes through language and grammar, just think of the use of the masculine plural even in the presence of feminine terms, as well as the exclusive use of the masculine for some professions. As “Feminine, plural” we believe in awareness as a path, in respect of those who built the path before us. And taking care of it is essential for those who come after us. Networking, sharing, being there to consolidate healthy relationships, in the belief that through culture you can truly be free. Thanks to Luana and Elisa for giving us an intense afternoon of reflections on an important, difficult, but urgent topic to deconstruct the roles that we even unconsciously find ourselves covering. Let’s build a new course.

Thank you all for being there. Thanks to Marco for the wonderful photos. We look forward to seeing you for the next two events: on 8 August again in the external courtyard of the Camerale Palace for the presentation of the triad and on 30 August at the Giardino del Risanamento for the final awards ceremony”.


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