Italy 24 Press News

Chain of accidents in Tosco Romagna in Montopoli, mayor Vanni announces a crackdown

Intervene to secure the stretch of road that goes from Capanne to Angelica, where yesterday, within a few hours of each other, two road accidents occurred. It’s the one who says it Mayor Linda Vanniwhich announces measures.

Cars overturn after head-on collision

“Yesterday, on the stretch from Capanne towards Angelica, there were two accidents within a few hours,” recalls the mayor. The first at the crossroads to go to the industrial area, the other right at the beginning of the town of Angelica. For both, I immediately went to the place and I spoke with the Carabinieri, Firefighters and health personnel present. I sincerely wish a speedy recovery to those who were injured. Our closeness goes to all those involved and their families. That stretch of road has been the subject of discussion for years.”

The car overturned on the Tosco Romagna road: saved by a doctor and other passers-by

Hence the solutions under consideration: “They have been many meetings were held to resolve the speed issue and the dialogue with Anas was constructiveeven if not definitive. We need – says the mayor – a specific program, a roundabout in the area between the car wash and the junction as agreed with Anas and a solution for speed in all parts of the territory. We cannot just receive “no”s: we need to protect our residential areas from the danger of those who speed on our streets. I will make the commitment immediately and on Monday, first of all, I will ask the Municipal Police and the Carabinieri Command to have a report with the accident numbers on the Tosco Romagnola, which I will then send to the Prefectasking for a meeting to discuss together the best solutions to undertake. But everything depends on us, on how we drive. We must love ourselves and others: why go fast where there is a child walking on the sidewalk, where there is a school or where other cars enter to enter the road? Let’s be careful, always respect the limits and the rules”.

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