Italy 24 Press News

The exhibition “With feet in the mud” by Cristiano Frasca « •

After the interest aroused by the exhibition “With my feet in the mud. Tale on the margins of the news”, exhibited on the occasion of the anniversary of the 2023 flood, in collaboration with the Pro Loco Chiusa d’Ercole, a new exhibition is made in the church of San Bonifacio al Cusercoli Castle and Sunday 30 June to July 21st. The photographs will be exhibited Christian Frasca created during the days of the flood in a path that will help even those who did not directly experience the drama of the flood to relive those moments.

The exhibition is organized in collaboration with the Pro Loco Chiusa d’Ercole, which will keep it open every weekend from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Saturdays and from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM every Sunday. Admission is free. The exhibition will be inaugurated on Sunday, June 30th and there will be a welcome buffet organized by the Pro Loco Chiusa d’Ercole.

Cristiano Frasca has collaborated and still collaborates with the main newspapers in the Forlì area for 30 years now, he has documented what happened in the days of May 2023 in a large part of the area affected by the flood. The exhibition itinerary aims, in fact, to retrace the days following May 16, 2023, telling, through photographic shots that were not published in newspapers, the emergency caused by the flood, the people, the law enforcement operators, the volunteers in a chronological but also geographical path of what happened and which was documented through the photojournalist’s point of view.

On display are 60 photographs selected from the huge amount of material produced to document what was happening in those terrible days. The shots published in the newspapers are the result of a very narrow selection and all the rest of the images remain in the archive. Hence the decision to broaden the narration of an extraordinary event that involved and overwhelmed not only the inhabitants of the city of Forlì but also those who lent their work and volunteered. At the center of this story with a journalistic slant, he chronicles the people the photographer met and whose emotions and feelings he collected and recounted through his sensitivity.

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