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On trial for killing his dog, the shepherd defended himself in court yesterday

Home » News » On trial for killing his dog, the shepherd defended himself in court yesterday

The 80-year-old herdsman from Zepponami defended himself in court on charges of killing one of the family dogs by tying the leash to the rear hook of the car and dragging it for about a kilometer and a half to his home. Sheila, a 4-year-old Caucasian shepherd, died from injuries caused by being dragged, according to the opinion of an ASL veterinarian who testified before judge Roberto Cappelli last October.

On trial for killing his dog, the shepherd defended himself in court yesterday

The hearing which took place yesterday was instead dedicated to examining the accused. The 80-year-old, answering the parties’ questions, explained his version of the events that took place on 13 February three years ago in Montefiascone. “I didn’t want to hurt her when I tied her up – declared the 80-year-old -. When the police arrived I was cuddling her in the hope that she would recover. In recent years they have called me ‘killer shepherd’, but in reality I have always loved dogs and I have had many in my life, everyone knows it”.

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He is accused of killing animals

The investigations were coordinated by the prosecutor Massimiliano Siddi. The man is specifically charged with the crime provided for by article 544 bis of the penal code, which punishes “anyone who, through cruelty or without necessity, causes the death of an animal” with a sentence of 4 months to 2 years. The civil parties against the defendant are the lawyer Ottavio Maria Capparella who represents Accademia Kronos and the lawyer Maurizio Mazzi who assists Lav. The trial will resume in a few months with the session reserved for discussion, at the end of which the sentence is expected.

V. T.


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