Italy 24 Press News

Moreno’s emotional encounter with his rescuers

CIVITAVECCHIA – A hug full of emotion and gratitude between Moreno Campinotia well-known Pisan entrepreneur, and his saviors, Emanuela De Francescooriginally from Civitavecchia, and her partner Alexander Picone. The meeting – as reported in the newspaper La Nazione – took place on Wednesday on the Piagge, not far from the bar where Emanuela and Alessandro saved Moreno’s life two months ago.

Two months ago, Emanuela and Alessandro were enjoying an aperitif when the cries of those present signaled the emergency: Moreno had fallen to the ground due to cardiac arrest. Despite the presence of over 20 people, no one knew how to intervene. Emanuela, fresh from first aid lessons, did not hesitate to jump in to help.

“The moment was complex,” says Emanuela. “I had to act quickly. I checked the situation: there was no pulse or breathing, the color was very bad. I started cardiac massage. Alternating with Alessandro, we got into a certain rhythm and after a while Moreno started breathing again.”

After about ten minutes the ambulance arrived with the defibrillator, which however was not necessary thanks to the timely intervention of the two young people. For Emanuela, born with agenesis of the left hand in which he has no fingerssaving a life with cardiac massage was a double victory. “When I decided to take the rescue course, they weren’t sure I could perform the life-saving maneuver. Fortunately, in massage the left hand must remain in a fist, so my hand is equally effective. I never thought I would need it so soon.”

After a long hospital stay and a search on social media, Moreno was finally able to thank his “two guardian angels”. “After they told me that two people saved my life, I posted on social media to look for them and thank them. Emanuela and Alessandro responded to the appeal on my birthday and finally we are here. I’m holding back from giving them both thousands of kisses, but when I saw them I got a lump in my throat”.

Emanuela and Alessandro also experienced moments of apprehension. “After giving Moreno cardiac massage we were anxious for 10 days. We didn’t know how he was and it was a relief to see the post from the bar looking for us. We didn’t know him before saving his life and meeting him seemed strange to me. When but we saw him from a distance, happy with his family, it was truly wonderful.”

Emanuela took the opportunity to reiterate the importance of first aid courses and defibrillators in the workplace, tools that can save lives. “The bar was not equipped with the instrument which, as Moreno explains, had been taken away to be replaced, as the batteries were flat, but it was never returned. If it hadn’t been for two exceptional people like them I wouldn’t be here, I’m the testimony living of the importance of defibrillators in the workplace”.

A story of heroism and solidarity that highlights how crucial first aid training and the availability of working defibrillators are. Thanks to Emanuela and Alessandro, Moreno can still enjoy the company of his family.


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