Italy 24 Press News

Sportpiacenza wins the women’s Libertas Tournament

The second edition of the women’s Libertas Tournament goes to the Sportpiacenza team. The Piacenza team won both matches of the triangular tournament played at Calamari, deserving the trophy which will be awarded on 3 July, when the final evening of the event which is blowing out 50 candles is scheduled.

After the exhibition match two years ago and the official debut last season, the Torneo Libertas returns to give space to women’s football with three teams aiming for the title. Piacenza is made up of the girls who won twelve months ago, Sportpiacenza (branded Emilia Informatica) wants to take revenge after the defeat in the final suffered in the first edition and also competing for the trophy is Celtic from Reggio Emilia, a group that aims to take the title outside our borders.

The day is hot and this affects the pace, but on the field you can still see good plots and great attention. The first match pits Piace and Sportpiacenza against each other and the all-red and white derby provides excitement, with the former taking the lead and then the two teams taking turns to take the lead until the decisive overtaking of Sportpiacenza, scoring three times with Marchetti, twice with Tonali and once with Cammi, to which Fulgoni, Baffi, Cervini and Francesca Pagani respond.

Due to the defeat, Piacenza already has its back to the wall and in the second match it goes all out, raising the level and beating Celtic with a clear 7-2 in an almost one-way match thanks to the doubles of Fulgoni and Cervini and the goals of Alessia Pagani, Bottini and Francesca Pagani, with the Reggio Emilia team only managing to react with two goals by Ferrari. At this point, a draw in the last match with Celtic would be enough for Sportpiacenza to win the trophy, but the Piacenza team absolutely wants to win the last match too. With the attentive Passarella between the posts, the unbeatable defensive pair Cammi-Grazio, the direction entrusted to Marchetti and Tonali, the incursions of Vasirani and the offensive reference point of Danka, a 4-1 success arrives with the hat-trick of Marchetti and the goal of Vasirani, while for the Reggio Emilia team the usual Ferrari replies.


RARELY: Fulgoni, Baffi, Cervini, Francesca Pagani for Piacenza, Tonali (2), Cammi, Marchetti (3) for Sportpiacenza


RARELY: Ferrari (2) for Celtic, Fulgoni (2), Cervini (2), Alessia Pagani, Bottini, Francesca Pagani for Piacenza


RARELY: Marchetti (3) and Vasirani for Sportpiacenza, Ferrari for Celtic


SPORTSPIACENZA: Passarella, Grazio, Cammi, Marchetti, Tonali, Vasirani, Danka

PLEASES: Galmuzzi, Bedini, Francesca Pagani, Alessia Pagani, Baffi, Di Fresco, Cervini, Garbazza, Bottini, Fulgoni

CELTIC: Mesoraca, Ferrari, Goundali, Soragni, Gilioli, Vulcano, Salati

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