Italy 24 Press News

Accident caused by a wild boar, the Region will have to compensate for the damage

A recent ruling by the Taranto court (25 June 2024) regarding an accident that occurred in 2021 on the SP 14 near Palagianello is sure to set a precedent.

An SUV while traveling along the provincial road was suddenly blocked by a wild boar. The car was practically destroyed while fortunately the driver suffered minor damage.
The unfortunate driver of the car filed an action for damages against the Puglia Region.
“The judge – explains the lawyer Francesco D’Errico, the motorist’s lawyer – accepted my thesis supported by the ruling of the Cassation Court III Civil Section no. 7969/2020, according to which, as provided for among other things by law 157/1992, the holder of the regulatory competence on wild fauna is the Region”. Hence the condemnation of the Region to pay damages.
“An important ruling therefore which, beyond the relevance for the effects it may produce in terms of compensation for similar cases – explains D’Errico – establishes the responsibility of the Region, with the hope that it will take action to promote any necessary prevention activity, given that the fundamental issue is not to compensate for the damage but to avoid it”.

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