Italy 24 Press News

Saint Peter Penitent by Guido Reni – Michelangelo Buonarroti is back

The work of the day that I propose to you today is the moving Penitent Saint Peteroil painting on canvas by Guido Reni.

You can perceive it in the face furrowed by the tears of the Saint the profound anguish caused by the remorse of having denied Christ. fell into the hands of the Pharisees because of his betrayal.

” …. And Peter remembered the words said by Jesus: “Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times.” E
going out into the open air, he cried bitterly
so it is written in Gospel of Matthew and it is precisely this passage that Reni wanted to remember with his work.

Saint Peter raises his right hand to his chest and looks up to heaven seeking forgiveness for what he has just done. The composition is completely permeated by the sense of confusion and guilt of the man who cannot find peace.

He feels guilty for the capture of Christ and seeks heavenly help. Those eyes wet with tears shock the senses and cannot leave you indifferent.

And introspective portrait thus allowing those who see it to clearly perceive what Saint Peter is feeling.

The dating of Reni’s canvas is still uncertain. Some scholars claim it could have been achieved between 1603 and 1604during the artist’s second stay in Bologna while others place the work between 1612 and 1613when Reni was in Rome.

There are no documents that prove the exact date of execution of this penitent Saint Peter while the style brings it closer to Reni’s early works although, looking closely at the painted face, there are elements more typical of his maturity.

The work belongs to the Mainetti Collection in Rome

For the moment, your always Michelangelo Buonarroti greets you and will meet you in the next posts and on social media.

The work of the day that I propose to you today is the moving Penitent Saint Peter, painted in oil on canvas by Guido Reni.

In the face furrowed by the tears of the Saint we perceive the profound anguish caused by the remorse of having denied Christ who fell into the hands of the Pharisees due to his betrayal.

” …. And Peter remembered the words said by Jesus: “Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times.” AND
going out into the open, he cried bitterly”, so it is written in the Gospel of Matthew and it is precisely this passage that Reni wanted to remember with his work.

Saint Peter raises his right hand to his chest and looks up to heaven seeking forgiveness for what he has just done. What completely permeates the composition is the sense of bewilderment and guilt of the man who cannot find peace.

He feels guilty for the capture of Christ and seeks heavenly help. Those eyes bathed in tears shock the senses and cannot leave one indifferent.

An introspective portrait therefore which allows those who see it to clearly perceive what Saint Peter is feeling.

The dating of Reni’s canvas is still uncertain. Some scholars maintain that it could have been created between 1603 and 1604, during the artist’s second stay in Bologna, while others place the work between 1612 and 1613, when Reni was in Rome.

There are no documents that precisely prove the date of execution of this penitent Saint Peter while the style brings it closer to Reni’s youthful works even if, looking closely at the painted face, there are elements more typical of his maturity.

The work belongs to the Mainetti Collection in Rome

For the moment, your always Michelangelo Buonarroti greets you and will meet you in the next posts and on social media.

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  • Painting of the day: Penitent Saint Peter by Guido Reni

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