Italy 24 Press News

Toti meeting with Bagnasco, Rixi and Rosso, what they said

On Friday 28 June 2024, the meeting took place in Ameglia, in Giovanni Toti’s house, with the President of the Region under house arrest as part of the maxi investigation into corruption in Liguria and the political leaders of the centre-right majority. Present were Carlo Bagnasco for Forza Italia, deputy minister Edoardo Rixi for the League and Matteo Rosso for Fratelli d’Italia.

The lawyer: “Extensive dialogue with removal of house arrest”

English: “Toti reiterated to the political leaders of the parties the need to claim with strength and determination, by all the majority forces, the results achieved in these nine years of Government, both in terms of administration and electoral results” explained Toti’s lawyer Stefano Savi who then added: “The president has made it clear that his decision not to resign, far from wanting to fuel a clash between politics and justice, derives from the need to open a window of dialogue on the future with all the political, social and administrative forces, to evaluate the best choices for the citizens. As soon as the impediments to the discussion today caused by the measures wanted by the magistrates disappear, we are certain in the shortest time possible, it will be possible to start this discussion, respecting the autonomy of politics and with the necessary spaces for dialogue. The balance between the right-duty of Government deriving from the direct vote of the citizens and the reasons for the investigation – concluded the lawyer – must see all the political forces that the voters have delegated to the administration with their consent interested and involved. We are certain that it is in the interest of the judiciary to guarantee this balance to citizens starting from the next judicial steps”.

Rixi, Bagasco and Rosso: “Continue until the end of the mandate”

“An in-depth and constructive meeting” was defined by Matteo Rosso, Edoardo Rixi and Carlo Bagnasco, who explained: “With Toti we shared the importance of continuing that growth path that began together in 2015 and of carrying it forward until the end of the mandate. The hope is that we can continue with Toti again in his role and with a regained political viability”.

“Without going into the merits of investigations that we respect together with the work of the magistrates – they added – we hope that the precautionary needs can be eliminated and that the electoral mandate can be maintained while simultaneously respecting the voters’ vote in a phase of preliminary investigations that does not foresees resignations, not even mentioned during our meeting. We will support the president and the entire council to continue a job that is not easy, but important and demanding for which, in the future, each of us will need to consult with our national party leader” .

“We thank the interim president Alessandro Piana who has been leading the Region with great commitment and professionalism for over a month – concluded Bagnasco, Rixi and Rosso – and, together with him, all the council members and the majority regional councillors who have never failed to give their support, convinced that the path traced is the most respectful towards the Ligurians. We move forward with conviction because Liguria cannot be stopped”.

Toti list: “united centre-right and compact majority”

For the Toti List, not present at the meeting because it was represented by the President of the Region himself, who had already met some councilors last week, the regional coordinator of the Toti List, Laria Cavo, and the regional group leader Alessandro Gozzano spoke: “A new confirmation of the unity of the centre-right. A compact majority determined to carry forward the work carried out in the Liguria Region, as required by current laws and guaranteed by our Constitution. We are happy with this further moment of sharing confirmed by the allies who we thank for their words of closeness expressed to the president”.

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