Italy 24 Press News

“Nicolas strangled perhaps with a rope”

Nicolas Matias Del Rio died of suffocation. He could have been strangled with his hands or with a rope. Perhaps he stopped living because a bag was placed over his head. This is the terrible outcome of the autopsy on the body of the 40-year-old Argentine courier, who disappeared from Castel del Piano on May 22 and was found at the bottom of a well in Case Sallustri, in the countryside around Arcidosso. In prison, accused of voluntary homicide, concealment of a corpse, robbery, kidnapping and damage, there have been, for a few days, three foreigners, Klodjan Gjoni, a 33-year-old Albanian, Ozkurt Bozkurt, a 44-year-old of Turkish origin and Kia Emre, a 28-year-old Turkish. The examination, conducted by Professor Mario Gabbrielli (also present was consultant Roberto Martini, appointed by the lawyers defending two of the three suspects) was carried out to answer the two questions of Giovanni De Marco and Valeria Lazzarini, the deputy prosecutors who are carrying out the investigation together with the Carabinieri of the investigative unit of the Prosecutor’s Office: how Nicolas was killed and when his death occurred. However, gunshots or rifle shots were excluded as had been hypothesized at the beginning of the sad story.

Unfortunately, the first autopsy analyses do not reveal the exact date of death: the body was in an advanced state of decomposition because it had been immersed in water for who knows how long and therefore the date of death cannot be dated. The only certainty is that he had been dead for over 10 days. However, further toxicological analyses will be carried out to look for other elements useful to the investigation. Therefore, Nicolas Del Rio certainly spent a few days locked up somewhere (possibly in the villa in Case Sallustri) and then killed in an atrocious and inhumane manner. The story therefore seems to be unravelling slowly, also thanks to the stories of the suspects who are spilling the beans. In fact, the interrogation of Bozkurt, who is in the prison on Via Saffi, lasted over ten hours, and was also attended by Chief Prosecutor Maria Navarro, together with the prosecutors who are carrying out the investigation. It was probably him who opened new scenarios of a story that still has many things to say: such as extending the responsibilities to other people who will be heard in the coming days.

In essence there are still many knots to untie to understand the whole dynamics of an affair that started badly and ended worse. It is precisely for this reason that next week another inspection by the Ris will be carried out in the horror villa, that of Case Sallustri. The special unit of the Carabinieri will in fact have to discover Nicolas’ place of imprisonment, where he was segregated and above all the place where he was then killed before being thrown into the well in the garden of the house. Finally, the bags: where are they and above all who bought them and then resold them on the black market?

Matthew Alfieri

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