Italy 24 Press News

Telese, drunk driving due to accident

Press release

Yesterday the Carabinieri of the Cerreto Sannita Company carried out a widespread control of the territory in all twenty-one municipalities of competence with the aim of preventing thefts in homes, commercial establishments, pharmacies and tobacconists during the evening and night hours as well as Schools, in this last period, have been targeted by criminals to remove PCs and tablets used by students, while during the daytime they have concentrated along the main arteries that connect the Sannita province with those of Caserta and Campobasso aimed at preventing and reduce road accidents by employing 19 patrols that they identified overall 170 subjectsincluding some already known to the police and controlled 134 vehicles.

The Carabinieri patrolled both residential areas and major roads, also carrying out personal and vehicle searches in search of break-in tools, weapons and narcotics. Two drivers found driving their vehicles already seized were fined, as were four others for lack of insurance coverage, with the vehicles being seized at the same time. Others were fined for having an expired driving license, failure to use seat belts, use of a mobile phone while driving, no overtaking, failure to give way, which are the main causes of road accidents, for a total amount of approximately € 10.000.

The intense preventive activity, unfortunately, did not prevent a driver who was on the SS 372 “TELESINA” from making a U-turn to take the exit for San Salvatore Telesino in the wrong direction, thus colliding with a motorcyclist who, as a result of the collision, suffered serious injuries and was immediately transported to the Emergency Room of the “San Pio” Hospital in Benevento.

Furthermore, in Telese Terme (BN), a 47-year-old local man, already known to the police, after causing an accident while driving his car in an evident state of alcohol intoxication, fled, but was tracked down shortly after. by the Carabinieri while he was in a bar still consuming more alcohol. The man was then reported to the Judicial Authority, administratively sanctioned and the vehicle was seized. The preventive and territorial control activity of the Carabinieri continues incessantly, but the collaboration of citizens is always necessary in reporting suspicious people and vehicles.

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