Italy 24 Press News

Neapolitan Renato Paolucci wins with the aquaponics technique

NAPLES. The Coldiretti Green Oscars were awarded to the Farmer’s Village of Venice, awards to young people who innovate with ideas that save the climate, revolutionize consumption, create jobs and bring almost extinct specialties back to the tables.

The thirty-year-old Neapolitan Renato Paolucci wins the victory in the “Digital Enterprise” category. The young entrepreneur from the Chiaiano district, with a degree in economics, with a specialization in finance and business strategy, is the founder of Novacoltura, an agricultural company that uses innovative techniques such as aquaponics.

“It was nice to receive – he explains – an award from Coldiretti, an organization that boasts an ancient tradition and at the same time also embraces innovative techniques in the agricultural department that depart from tradition”.

Renato Paolucci has combined fish breeding and vegetable cultivation with the cultivation of aromatic herbs and micro greens with the aquaponics technique. All micro and macronutrients are provided by waste from fish farming, while the plants guarantee them pure water, with a water saving of 95%.

Having learned the rudiments of the technique between Australia and Holland, he returned to Italy to Turin and then to Chiaiano. He applied for the Oscar Green 2023 competition, strongly supported by Coldiretti to allow the new generation of the agricultural world to bring their ambitions onto the national stage. An activity that has been giving its first satisfaction for three years: “We have two greenhouses in Chiaiano where we produce aromatic herbs, leafy vegetables and microgreens, which we sell at the fruit and vegetable market and to restaurants. We produce 600 or 700 a week, we are still very small.”

Aquaponics is an innovative agricultural technique that has its roots in an ancient tradition. “In this system, the necessary nutrients are provided by waste from food carp farming, while the plants purify the water for the fish. This synergy between aquaculture and plant cultivation allows for water savings of 95%. The aromatic plants and the microgreen are made unique by their own nourishment, rich, natural, free of chemical fertilizers. Furthermore, biological control, which uses antagonistic insects, fights external pathogens, guaranteeing healthy and robust plants. Plants grow on water, with roots immersed in nutrients. Furthermore, growing outside the soil not only does not damage it but also allows it to adapt to any situation. Aquaponic cultivation can also be achieved in contaminated or unsuitable areas for agriculture. All with the further advantage of preventing the pollution of aquifers thanks to the absence of pesticides and pesticides. The next goal is to expand aquaponic cultivation on more hectares and create communities of aware consumers, eager for healthy and environmentally friendly products. This method represents a sustainable revolution for the agriculture of tomorrow.”

Novacoltura is an agricultural company born from the need to act to promote sustainable business strategies from an economic and environmental point of view. Already ready for a future in which it will become normal to buy a product grown in aquaponics, thanks to the positive impact that this system has on the environment. “We have the Campania Startup call in the starting phase and we should receive funding that will allow us to grow our business a little and extend the breeding to eels as well”.

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