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«My encounter with Research? A sign of destiny!» – Italia News Media

Rebecca Parisi, young Data Manager at DAIRI: «My encounter with Research? A sign of destiny!»
The 24-year-old “scholarship holder”, a researcher at the Clinical Trial Center, tells her story

Rebecca is young, but she has no doubts about the role that research can play in continuously increasing treatment options for the patients she works with every day and what it could mean for her generation.

Alessandrina doc, 24 years old, graduated in Biological Sciences and Environmental Biology at the University of Eastern Piedmont and for almost a year – through a scholarship activated thanks to the donations of those who have chosen to concretely support research – she has held the role of Data Manager within the Critical Trial Center of DAIRI, the Department of Integrated Research and Innovation Activities based at the Alessandria University Hospital.

«A sign of destiny»

After graduation, the meeting with DAIRI and the subsequent application for the scholarship that she would then win are what Rebecca defines as “a sign of destiny”: «I discovered almost by chance, on social media, the activities of the Department and for I wanted to delve deeper into this, thus becoming aware of the tender which would expire in a day’s time!”.

So in October 2023 he begins his new professional adventure concerning the management of clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies: «I support clinicians in the management and conduct of studies within SC Oncology, I deal with interventional studies, studies on medical devices and studies observational”.

In May 2024, however, she seizes a new opportunity: «In the same context, I was awarded the Roche tender on the Study Management of clinical trials in the oncology field which lasts one year. Both with the previous scholarship and with this announcement, I am also having the opportunity to attend the first level master’s degree for Data Management and Coordination of Clinical Trials of the Department of Science and Technological Innovation of the Upo in collaboration with the AOU AL” .

«Research is progress»

What struck you most in DAIRI’s daily activity? Rebecca has no doubts: «The great passion of all the professionals who are part of it, but above all the gratification in hearing patients thank you for having given them a new opportunity: allowing patients to be included in innovative but potentially valid interventional studies means giving them a hope. I thought it wasn’t my world, but the human interaction with patients is definitely the best part.”

For this reason, supporting research is fundamental for Rebecca: «Research means future, it means progress: the drug that is now clinical practice and saves lives was studied first in the past. But research also represents the hope for the new generations of a continuous increase in the quality of life».

And she is even clearer on the importance of the contribution that young people like her can give: «I think what distinguishes us is enthusiasm and resourcefulness, even if to grow it is necessary to have great professionals like the ones we have at our side. lucky enough to see it at work every day. But we have a great desire to learn and I believe that this is also reflected in clinical studies, I believe that research goes hand in hand with the gaze of a young person. And in this sense, the scholarships that support my work and that of many other colleagues are a very important tool in our professional development and in that of research, which always translates into better care for patients.”

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