Italy 24 Press News

«My heart stopped together with yours»

«My heart stopped together with your heart in that damned well. I love you my Vincenzo.” The heartbreaking message is Paola Carnemollathe mother of Vincenzo Lantierithe 10-year-old boy who died yesterday after falling into an artesian well in Palazzolo Acreide, in the province of Syracuse.

The autopsy on the child’s body will probably take place tomorrow. The prosecutor will order it. Syracuse, Sabrina Gambino, who coordinates the police investigations. The autopsy will trigger, as a necessary action, the entries in the register of suspects. A spotlight is lit on the owner of the land and on the operators responsible for supervising the children, and among them there was also the 54-year-old who when the alarm was raised she went down into the well to try to save the child.

The case of delays. A witness: «Delays arrived after two hours»

“After falling into the well, the child spoke to his mother and father, they called him and he asked for help.” It is the reconstruction of a witness, on the microphones of Tgr Sicilia, of the moments following the tragedy. The man, who lives in a house next to the farm where the boys were on a trip, underlines the efforts of the educators in trying to save the little victim. “The lady – he says – she went down there with her bare hands, waiting for help” which, according to the witness, “two hours must have passed” before arrival. A version, at least for now, denied by the firefighters.

The school: «Shocked community»

«The school community is shocked by a very serious loss: the premature death of the child attending the primary school of our institute. A deep and unjustifiable pain that affects all of us. We hold each other in respectful silence and with a feeling of closeness to his family, his classmates and those who have formed bonds of friendship and affection with him”, we read on the Facebook page of the “V. Messina” comprehensive school in Palazzolo Acreide.


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