Italy 24 Press News

Veneto Fashion Table: regional meeting to address the crisis

A meeting was held today on textile-clothing-fashion supply chain convened and coordinated by the regional councillor for Labour Elena Donazzanassisted by the Corporate Crisis Unit, in which the following participated: the regional Labor Directorate, Veneto Lavoro, Confindustria, Confartigianato, CNA, Confcommercio, Confesercenti, the trade union organizations CGIL, CISL and UIL, also present with representatives of the fashion categories and trade.

During the meeting, the data relating to the performance of the supply chain was presented by the Corporate Crisis Unit, which revealed a contraction affecting the sectoral areas in different ways.

The textile sector shows a decline in workers and an increase in the use of redundancy payments which, in the first quarter of 2024, recorded a +130% compared to the same period of the previous year. Trade also presents highly negative values ​​in reference to the number of employees and company crises. Clothing has a better hold. The regional data, although worrying, appear overall better than the corresponding national values.

The entrepreneurs’ associations and the unions have agreed on the need to propose common actions and to resort to shared strategies to facilitate the evolution of the system in terms of sustainability and to counteract what are now recognized as the major problems of the supply chain as a whole. To this end, a first draft of the Protocol has been discussed, with the Veneto Region and the social partners of the fashion supply chain among its proponents.

We agreed on the need for a real alliance between the Parties and the Institutions with particular attention to the activities of contrasting irregular work phenomena to act with tools aimed at preventing, controlling and punishing. These phenomena, especially in subcontracting chains, generate unfair competition and social dumping, both dangerous for the survival and health of people and healthy businesses. With respect to the draft Protocol that we discussed today – states councilor Donazzan – we will detail the ways in which these activities can be implemented and made effective.

Considering sustainability in broad terms, we also noted the need for coordinated communication that supports awareness in the production and consumption of quality products of the “Made in Italy”. Young people, so attentive to the environment, are today the main customers of “disposable” fashion, that of non-European multinationals with few rules.

We are in perfect harmony with the Parties also on the definition of criteria and methods of collaboration between the signatories for the creation of training courses and/or active labor policies, with particular reference to the skills necessary to facilitate the ecological and digital transitions that affect the supply chain.

The Tavolo Veneto della Moda is currently the only one in Italy that represents a very active dialogue between the world of industry, craftsmanship and commerce, extending its discussion to the trade unions and institutions..

‘Il Tavolo Veneto della Moda’ has always been very active in defining proposals and reflections together with a dialogue that the union has always had with the Crisis unit and thanks to this commitment, the supply chain, already in the past, It has faced difficulties and changes with adequate and far-sighted system responses, representing a model of success at a national and international level. Today – concludes councilor Donazzan – we had the opportunity to confirm the strong cohesion of the employers and trade unions, regarding the identification of the causes of the current critical issues and the definition of shared strategies to overcome them and ensure sustainable growth”.

Work on the final definition of the Memorandum of Understanding will continue in the coming weeks and a new round table meeting is expected after the summer.

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