Italy 24 Press News

Serious accident in Minturno, 21-year-old boy crushed to death by tractor

Tragedy this morning in the countryside of Minturno, where a 21-year-old died, crushed under a tractor.

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A twenty-one-year-old boy died, crushed by a tractor. The dramatic events occurred this morning, Friday 28 June, in the province of Latina. The victim of the serious accident is a young man, for whom unfortunately nothing could be done to save his life. The call to the Single Emergency Number 112 arrived, with the urgent request for intervention for a serious accident that occurred in the countryside following which a boy was seriously injured and his conditions appear desperate, and the rescue machine was activated.

The medical personnel received the report and arrived at the scene of the incident with sirens blaring, they tried to resuscitate the young man, but unfortunately every attempt to save his life was in vain, there was nothing to be done except to confirm his death. On site it was also necessary to intervene with the fire fighters. The agricultural vehicle crushed him under its weight. Present for the ritual surveys and investigations to reconstruct the dynamics of the incident were the Carabinieri of territorial jurisdiction, who sent a report to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Cassino.

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