Italy 24 Press News

Fallen into a well at 10 years old: Vincenzo’s absurd death

Palazzolo Acreide – Palazzolo Acreide is still shocked by the tragedy that occurred yesterday afternoon: the community cannot rest after the death of Vincenzo Lantieri, the 10-year-old boy, who fell into an artesian well during an excursion organized by the Anffas foundation. The little boy, who was taking part in the trip together with his disabled brother, according to an initial reconstruction, would have climbed onto the roof which, due to his weight, would have given way, causing him to fall into the water. Rescue attempts by an educator were useless, she was injured and saved by the firefighters. Vincenzo was attending the fourth grade of the V. Messina comprehensive institute in Palazzolo Acreide and together with his brother he took part in a summer camp. A happy child, who had participated in the cooking workshops the day before and was anxiously awaiting the trip to an educational farm in the countryside of his town. Many, including teachers and acquaintances, are currently talking about who the little one was.

Among the many messages is that of the school attended by the child: «The school community of the V. Messina Institute today is shocked by a very serious loss: the premature death of little Vincenzo Lantieri who attended the primary school of our institute. A deep and unjustifiable pain that affects all of us. We hold each other in respectful silence and with a feeling of closeness to his family, his classmates and those who have formed bonds of friendship and affection with him.” The teacher Giuseppe Matarazzo was destroyed by grief: “he was a lively child with a big heart”, he said immediately after learning of the tragedy. Today the town would have celebrated the patron saint Saint Paul the Apostle but instead it is in mourning. In Palazzolo Acreide everyone knows the family, the little boy’s parents are two municipal employees. The mayor has ordered the suspension of the celebrations planned for the patron saint and on social media the parish priest and the organizing committee of the initiatives explain: «We are certain that with this decision we are interpreting the feeling of collective condolence for the loss of the little one, so as to be able to express our closeness to family. All liturgical celebrations remain confirmed.”

The Syracuse prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation.

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