Italy 24 Press News

Seaside holidays, prices rise +8% and Italians drop

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It will be this year too.”a summer at the seaside, beach style” but with higher tariffs (+7.9% compared to 2023) and a drop in Italian presences, partly offset by the increase in foreigners. The observatory predicts it Panorama Turismo – Mare Italia by Jfc.
Out of a total of 407 million presences in the seaside sector (-1.1% on summer 2023 and -1.2% on 2019) the Italian ones will be 312 million 511 thousand with a drop of 4.4% and therefore a loss of 14 511 thousand million on 2023. At the same time, foreign presences will reach 94 million 513 thousand with a +11.6% (i.e. 9 million 823 thousand) on 2023.

For the summer of 2024, forecasts indicate a turnover – for the national seaside sector in its complexity – of 33 billion 191 million euros, essentially stable (+0.4%) compared to the 2023 summer season and increasing by 4.2%. compared to the 2019 summer season (therefore in the pre-Covid era). This is predicted by Jfc’s Panorama Turismo – Mare Italia observatory which ANSA publishes in preview.
It is important to consider – explains Massimo Feruzziresponsible for Jfc and the Observatory – that these increases in turnover are not linear with the increase in holiday prices, meaning that there is a stronger attention to spending on the part of our compatriots and also foreign guests”.
Specifically, for the summer of 2024 a turnover is expected as follows: that generated by Italian customers will be 23 billion 707 million with a decrease of 4.2% on the final data for summer 2023. The turnover generated by foreign customers will be 9 billion 484 million euros, with an increase of +14.3% on the final data for summer 2023.

The number of Italians on Italian beaches is decreasing (312 million 511 thousand with a -4.4% on 2023), but not the desire for sun, sea and holidays, according to the forecasts of the Panorama Turismo – Mare Italia observatory of Jfc that ANSA is publishing in preview.
But where will Italians go for their summer holidays? “The answer to this question is the most interesting but certainly not extremely positive for our tourist economy – explains Massimo Feruzzi, head of JFC and the observatory. In fact, from the national level survey it emerges that there is an increase in summer trips by Italians, but also that the increase in tourist flows mainly refers to foreign seaside destinations, with Greece, Spain and Albania leading the way”.
On the contrary, in Italy, seaside destinations will show fluctuating indicators both between the locations of the same seaside areas and between the various weeks, making the activity of the operators in the supply chain even more complex. “With a red alert – says Feruzzi again – which is the month of August, which risks no longer being the classic month of ‘Italian holidays’: prices are too high, full houses only from 9 to 18 August and increasingly shorter stays in this month, with an average duration that is reduced by 2.1 nights.”

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