Italy 24 Press News

Guardia di Finanza, golden Pegasus for the 250th anniversary of the Corps

For two and a half centuries it has been at the forefront in the fight against economic-financial crimes and to spread a culture of legality. The Financial Police, on the occasion of 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Corps received the Golden Pegasus from the President of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani.

The Regional Command of the Guardia di Finanza stood out for its high sense of duty and constant commitment to protecting the economy, combating economic-financial crimes and organizing various widespread initiatives for the promotion of the culture of legality” we read in the motivation.

Giani: “An irreplaceable garrison in Tuscany”

The conferral of the Golden Pegasus to the Regional Commander of the Corps, the General of Division Giuseppe Maglioccotook place at the Luigi Ridolfi stadium during a ceremony in the presence of the Interregional Commander of Central Northern Italy, the Army Corps General Fabrizio Cuneo.

President Eugenio Giani underlined the daily action of the Financial Police “an irreplaceable garrison for all Tuscans. In fact, only in the legal economy is it possible for the many excellences of our region to find full expression. The fight against the infiltration of crime into a thriving economy is the prerequisite for sustainable and long-lasting development”.

During 2024 the 250 years of the Guardia di Finanza were celebrated with the exhibition of uniforms and historical memorabilia which has just ended in Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati. Also worth mentioning is the signing last May of an important protocol which is about collaboration between the Region and the Financial Police per transparency and legality in the allocation of public funds, whether owned by the Region or managed by it on behalf of the State or the European Union.

Two and a half centuries of activity in Tuscany

He Gen.CA Fabrizio CuneoInterregional Commander of Central-Northern Italy of the Guardia di Finanza – highlighted the spirit of collaboration that has always characterized the fruitful relationships between the Tuscany Region and the Guardia di Finanza.

Relationships always aimed at promoting and guaranteeing the well-being of the community. The recent flood emergency was an opportunity to confirm the effectiveness of the synergy between the regional structure and the Corps, having served to significantly reduce the inconvenience of the catastrophic event that hit our region” he added.

The Tuscany Regional Commander of the Guardia di Finanza, the General of Division Giuseppe Magliocco– he recalled how the Golden Pegasus represents “the most authentic testimony from the Regional Council regarding the commitment ensured, continuously, by the Fiamme Gialle Toscane for the fight against economic and financial crimes to protect the economy, the promotion of the culture of legality and assistance to the civilian population”.

Fraud, 800 inspections and 906 investigations in Florence

The day of celebration was an opportunity to take stock of the activities of the Guardia di Finanza in Florence and Tuscany. Just over 800 inspections and 906 investigations to counteract the economic and financial crimes and the infiltration of crime in the economy. It is the balance of the activities, relating to 2023 and the first five months of 2024, of the provincial command of Florence.

In the activity of Fraud prevention e all’tax evasionhave been identified 85 total tax evadersentrepreneurs and professionals completely unknown to the tax authorities, and 118 workers in ‘black’ or irregular. Furthermore, 16 cases of international tax evasionmainly attributable to hidden stable organizations, to transfer pricing manipulations. The individuals reported for tax crimes are 655, of which 10 were arrested.

The value of seized assets for crimes relating to direct taxes and VAT is over five million eurosor. Furthermore, 39 interventions in the field of excise duties have allowed the seizure of 25,400 kg of energy products. 52 are, instead, the border controls on goods introduced into the national territory in tax evasion, counterfeit or in violation of safety regulations.

The activities of fight against smuggling have led to identifying 17 kg. of tobacco foreign workers subjected to seizure and reporting of a subject. The checks and investigations against illegal gambling have allowed us to discover 25 clandestine points of betting collection and to report eight perpetrators.

In Tuscany, the Financial Policein 2023 and the first five months of 2024, performed 4,148 investigations delegated by the ordinary and accounting judiciary, of which 2.598 to counteract the infiltration of crime economic and organized in the economic and social fabric of the region.

Recycling, assets worth 12.8 million seized in Tuscany

In the fight against organized crime infiltration, the Gdf seized assets worth approximately 12.8 million euros after 82 interventions in the field of recycling and self-recyclingcon 195 people reported and 42 arrested.

Tax evasion international, carousel fraudundue compensation, customs violations and illicit trafficking of petroleum products are some of the most serious phenomena on which the departments of the force have concentrated their attention, countering the distorting effects of competition caused by large-scale tax evasion and fraud.

In the region they were 1,698 people reported for tax crimes, 29 of which were arrested, while assets were seized for 36 million euros. I am 51 cases of escape international tax crimes detected, mainly attributable to hidden permanent establishments, foreign disguises of tax residence and illicit holding of capital abroad, while 645 total tax evaders e 2,200 ‘undeclared’ workers or irregular. In the sector of combating crimes relating to public spending, 502 investigations were closed in collaboration with the ordinary judiciary and the Court of Auditors.

Health care spending and wear and tear, an ongoing commitment

In the context of the health spending and social security, the Fiamme Gialle reported 41 people to the judicial authorities, ascertaining a fraud for approximately 1.2 million of euros. In the matter of procurement, corruption and crimes against public spending have been 18 people reportedwhile as part of the activities carried out to protect public spending, a total of seizures were carried out for over 40 million euros.

In the field of usuryseizures were made for approximately 87.000 euro with four subjects reported and two arrested. On the front of prevention we proceeded to the analysis of 2,422 reports of suspicious transactions. With reference to the results achieved in application of the anti-mafia legislationwere subjected to asset checks 680 subjectswith the execution of seizure and confiscation measures for over 13.2 million of euros, while 4,274 investigations insured at the request of the prefectural authority regarding anti-mafia prevention activities.

The Financial Police in Tuscany

The presence of the Guardia di Finanza in the region dates back to 1840 – we read in the reasons – at the time of Grand Duke Leopold II, when the need was felt to establish an Armed Finance Corps with brigades and detachments in the major symbolic cities of our territory. Even today, with its widespread presence in the Tuscan territory, the Corps represents an irreplaceable point of reference in the multiple functions in favor of social security and for the protection of the economic and financial interests of the community, also thanks to the specialized resources of anti-terrorism and ready employment, of the naval and air service, of the dog service and of the mountain rescue”.

The motivations emphasize the spirit of service “insured to protect our communities has found further, precious confirmation also in the aid to the populations hit hard by the recent serious meteorological events that hit Tuscany in the areas of Campi Bisenzio and Prato”.

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