Italy 24 Press News

In uniform, never divided. Firefighters in the classroom at the Bustecche Oratory

VARESE – At the invitation of the pastoral community Blessed Don Carlo Gnocchi of Varese, (which includes the parishes of Giubiano, Lazzaretto, Bustecche, San Carlo, Bizzozero) the Fire Brigade of the Provincial Command of Varese, with some men from the voluntary detachment of Tradateformer Department Head on leave Mauro Innocenti, the Head of Detachment Carmelo Schillirò, the volunteer firefighters Marco Santaromita, Davide La Morticella and Luca Carabelli, they went to the oratory of the church of Santa Teresa di Gesù Bambino, in Bustecche, for a meeting with middle school students and the organizers of the summer oratory, that the Pastoral Community organizes for 5 weeks after the end of school.

The young people involved

Explains Alessio Carcano responsible for the activities: «The proposal is aimed at the youngest members of the community and includes elementary and middle school boys and girls as participants and their older high school brothers as animators. This year we reached the quota total of 600 participants plus 125 animators. For older middle school kids, over 170 membersfor some years now, we have invented the formula of “Fantasy oratory” . This is a proposal born from an idea of Don Davide Caccianiga (responsible for the oratories of the pastoral community) and designed specifically for middle schoolers who all meet together on some days of the week for a day in the same oratory or for a trip. This year, for the Fantaoratorio, we developed a project entitled “In uniform, never divided” with the aim of bringing some bodies “in uniform” to the oratory of the state. With the team of middle school educators, coordinated by the undersigned, we involved the State Police, firefighters, Civil Protection and the Red Cross. In these weeks we are hosting the interventions of these realities to show good role models to our kids and also know something more about the operational reality of our guests. The kids are responding with extreme enthusiasm to this proposal by listening and asking our guests many questions.”

Can I be a firefighter?

During the meeting the strong participation of the children was noted, who interacted with colleagues, says Mauro Innocenti, a volunteer from Varese who served for 38 years in the National Fire Brigade Corps with the title of Department Head and now retired, with pertinent questions full of healthy curiosity. «The 2 hours made available to us were certainly not enough to satisfy the kids’ curiosities, but they gave a positive input to them, to learn about the rescue activity of the Fire Brigade, as well as to the organizers, to implement new collaborations. A 12 year old boy asked me, he always says Mauro Innocentif I could advise him, for a possible professional choice of entering the “Pompieri”, what can I say, the question was like a floral tribute, to those who, for work or volunteering, offer their time for the good of the community … At the end of the chat, they were shown the APS (auto pompa) in supplied to the Tradate detachment, its equipment and, finally, the delivery of water from the hose reel and a blast of the siren could not be missing, for the final farewell. Let’s add that the weather was also kind to us: activities ended at 5.05pm, thunderstorm at 5.15pm.”

A boat on fire in the woods of Tradate: the firefighters put out the flames

fire brigade oratory envelopes – MALPENSA24

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