Italy 24 Press News

San Giorgio Albanese wins for the oldest traditional costume of Arberia

Originally from 1850, the traditional costume of San Giorgio Albanese may be the oldest in Arberia.

He was awarded for the tradition and historicity category in the second edition of the Festival of traditional Calabrian costume hosted in recent days by the community of San Giovanni in Fiore, as part of the Tourism of the Roots Week.

Expressing satisfaction for the prestigious recognition received from Mayor Rosaria Succurro is Mayor Gianni Gabriele, underlining how moments like these can contribute to raising awareness and raising awareness, especially among the new generations, of the precious cultural heritage which is still renewed through the sacred rituals inherited from the past and the use of traditional costumes.

Magenta skirt, white blouse, lace bodice, finished with gold lace, gleanings and hems, completed with light blue lining, adorned with arbëresh gold.

These are the characteristics of the identity dress of San Giorgio Albanese which is distinguished from other traditional costumes by the pandera, an original strap.

Together with the other participating municipalities, San Giorgio Albanese paraded through the streets of the village of San Giovanni in Fiore with five costumes different in color and use depending on the occasion, worn by five models.

Mbuzati’s dress was awarded together with that of the Municipality of Cerzeto, which won the title for the Identity Value category and that of Caraffa, which won the Creative Talent category.

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