Italy 24 Press News

the Waste Agency is useless –

Thus the regional councilor and vice-president of the Regional Environment Commission Davide Natale after today’s hearing of the Commissioner of the waste agency, Monica Giuliano, in the Regional Commission.

“The only action carried out – recalls Natale – was to finance technical-scientific consultancy for a feasibility study for the waste cycle closure system in the Region. A consultancy which we will ask the Court of Auditors to investigate, because when spend public resources, they must be spent in the collective interest and appropriately”.

“The agency has the exclusive task of making tenders for the construction and for the preparation of contracts for the management of the plants. For these purposes and for these activities it can ask for consultancy, in case it does not have within it the professionals capable of carrying out this task, not for others, as has instead been done”.

“We are faced with, and today it was confirmed, a structure that after almost two years is still unclear with which staff it will have to carry out its activities; whether it will rely on the staff of provinces and metropolitan cities or will draw from open rankings”.

“In the Commission, among other things, no one was able to respond to the possible repercussions that there will be following the ruling of the Council of State which canceled the definition of minimum systems from the planning, limiting the regions’ room for maneuver in choosing of places to dispose of waste. In the meantime, the planned activity of defining the economic and financial plans for urban waste management will remain the responsibility of the provinces until 2025. Once again we ask ourselves: what is this Agency for? Has it been useful to date? only to guarantee a generous salary to its commissioner, so far the only person in office in the institution, at the expense of the citizens, who have not received any benefits in terms of waste cycle management choices made to date confirm this. The agency as it was built is useless: it was a choice that helps neither the local institutions nor the Ligurians to get answers. This is why it must be closed” concludes Natale.

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