Italy 24 Press News

Ast Ascoli meeting with trade union representatives: “Profitable and calm discussion, as has not happened for some time”

ASCOLI PICENO – From the proposal to change the opening hours of the front office cash desk and Cup to the new canteen regulation, from the reporting on the use of the 2023 contractual funds to the rankings of the 2022 Horizontal Economic Progressions, up to the dressing times and the definition of the regulation on internal mobility within the company.

These are the topics, included in the agenda, on which the management of the Ascoli territorial health authority, the trade union representatives and the RSU of the Ast sector discussed in a fruitful manner yesterday, Wednesday 26 June, during the meeting scheduled fortnightly between the employers and the unions.

“Yesterday’s planned trade union meeting, says the management of Ascoli’s AST, was constructive, as unfortunately hasn’t happened for some time. After an effective collaboration and many results achieved in the first months of activity of the new management of the Ast, such as for example the assignment of function assignments, the payment of many allowances and productivity which remained silent for years, the stabilization of temporary workers, in the last two For months the union meetings had been characterized by heated debates and clashes on various points, so much so that the same topics had to be repeated on several occasions due to the impossibility, not so much of finding a meeting point, but of completing the discussion”.

“Yesterday, however – continues the management of the healthcare company -, the relations between the employers and the unions were collaborative and calm. In two hours of discussion, all the points on the agenda were examined. At the end of the meeting, the parties both made a commitment to work on specific topics in order to arrive at a more specific discussion on the documents being developed and their approval at the next scheduled meeting. We all hope to continue to operate with serenity and seriousness for the good of workers and citizens.”

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