Italy 24 Press News

Drinking while driving, what does the Highway Code say after the 24-year-old’s accident in Milan?

June 23, 2024 is a date that two families will not forget: a 24-year-old girl was overwhelmed and dragged for 300 meters by a car in Milan. The driver was a 20-year-old Italian boy with a fresh driving license and alcohol in his system. What does the Highway Code provide in this regard? to alcohol for new drivers (and not only)?

By a pure miracle, the girl who was hit survived and her life is not in danger. She obviously suffered numerous injuries and is still hospitalized at the Niguarda hospital in Milan, where she has undergone and will undergo operations aimed at repairing the damage, but she is alive, surrounded by her loved ones. A disaster that in reality affects two families, not just one: the family of the boy driving the car said they were absolutely devastated about the incident, with the young man now at great risk due to the alcohol found in his system following the accident.

The 20-year-old was undoubtedly drunk, with 1.28 grams of ethanol per liter at the first alcohol test and 1.33 per second, as reported by the Corriere della Sera. What does the Highway Code say about this? Generally speaking, there is no “safe” blood alcohol threshold is not equal to zero (0 grams). In particular for those under 21, for new drivers and for driving professionals, zero remains the limit imposed by lawthere are no loopholes.

The situation changes slightly for all other adult road users, whose the maximum “acceptable” blood alcohol level is 0.5 grams per litre. Anyone who intends to drive should never reach or exceed this limit, because the reaction time lengthens, the braking time doubles, the field of vision is reduced, especially the lateral one. There is a totally distorted perception of distances and speedyou therefore become a danger to yourself and above all to other road users.

What happens in case you come pinched while drunk while driving? Below are the official guidelines from the Ministry of Health.

If a value corresponding to a blood alcohol level higher than 0 (zero) and not higher than 0.5 g/l for the minors under 18 caught driving a scooter or minicar

  • the driver will not be able to obtain the license before turning nineteen if a blood alcohol level higher than 0.0 (zero) and not higher than 0.5 g/l has been ascertained
  • the deadline moves to the age of twenty-one, if a blood alcohol level higher than 0.5 g/l has been ascertained.

If a value corresponding to a blood alcohol level higher than 0 (zero) and not higher than 0.5 g/l has been ascertained for some categories of drivers: for those under 21 years of age or obtained the driving license less than 3 years ago and for professional drivers and drivers of vehicles for the transport of people or goods with a laden mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes:

  • administrative fine from 155 to 624 euros
  • In addition to the expected sanction
  • if a value corresponding to a blood alcohol level higher than 0.5 and not higher than 0.8 g/l has been ascertained:
  • administrative fine from 500 to 2,000 euros
  • suspension of driving license for three to six months

If a value corresponding to a blood alcohol level has been ascertained greater than 0.8 and not greater than 1.5 g/l:

  • administrative fine from 800 to 3,200 euros
  • arrest for up to three months to a year
  • suspension of driving license from six months to one year

If a value corresponding to a has been ascertained blood alcohol level higher than 1.5 g/l:

  • administrative penalty from 1,500 to 6,000 euros
  • arrest from six months to a year
  • suspension of driving license for one to two years
  • if the vehicle belongs to a person unrelated to the crime, the duration of the license suspension is doubled
  • if the driver is intoxicated causes a road accident the penalties are doubled and the vehicle is administratively detained for 180 days, unless the vehicle belongs to a person unrelated to the offence.
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