Italy 24 Press News

The pre-wedding party of Simona Ventura and Giovanni Terzi: Enzo Miccio as wedding planner, the guests

OfRosanna Scardi

The party scheduled for the evening of June 26th. A thousand guests, including many well-known faces

Mega party pre-wedding, on the evening of June 26, for Simona Ventura and Giovanni Terzi. The party is scheduled in an event space not far from the center of Milan. The location extends over four floors for a total of 4,600 square meters and is equipped with a panoramic terrace. The event is managed by the famous wedding planner Enzo Miccio who took care of everything, from the invitations to the furnishings, from the clothes to the scenography.

A thousand guests, including many well-known faces, although the full list is secret. To anticipate it to «It’s always midday», the program of Antonella Clerici was the future bride herself. «We will have different looks – added Ventura -. Enzo Miccio is taking care of everything. I do not want to be sober, it’s not like me. Being an entertainer, I want to be spectacular.” According to rumours, it will be the future bride who signs the look Atelier Emé.

The wedding will take place on July 6th at the Grand Hotel in Rimini, a place much loved by Federico Fellini. The “yes” will arrive in the midst of the celebrations for the Pink Night, which brings numerous tourists to the Romagna city every year. Simona and Giovanni met at a dinner with friends, they are together for six years and live in Milancity of the future groom.

For her it is the second marriage after the one with Stefano Bettarinicelebrated in 1998, from which Niccolò and Giacomo were born (Simona also adopted Caterina), finished in 2008. Alongside the bride, as a witness, there will be her friend Paola Perego.

For Terzi this is the third marriage: the first with Paola, Lodovico’s mother; the second with Silvia Fondrieschi, married nine years after the birth of Giulio Antonio. The witness will be Marco Di Terlizzihis best friend.

There wedding proposal had arrived livein prime time on Rai Uno, during «Dancing with the Stars», in which they both participated as competitors.

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June 26, 2024 (changed June 26, 2024 | 6:15 pm)


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