Italy 24 Press News

“The Bonaccini council requests a state of emergency”

The Bonaccini Council requests a state of emergency due to the wave of bad weather that has hit Emilia in recent days. The request comes from the Legislative Assembly, which this afternoon voted on an agenda that goes in this direction, linked to the budget change being approved today. The agenda, signed by the Pd and Lega, commits the Region to restoring traffic in the territories of the provinces of Piacenza, Parma, Reggio-Emilia and Modena affected by the bad weather of recent days.

Furthermore, the Council is asked to take action to request a state of emergency from the Government for compensation for the damage suffered by private individuals and companies, as well as to implement every useful action for the cleaning of the waterways, in order to avoid the risk of obstruction of waterways linked to the dragging of material and wood downstream when new flood waves repeat. The League rejoices. In recent days in Emilia, notes the Carroccio regional councilor Emiliano Occhi, there have been “130 millimeters of cumulative rain in the Enza basin, with peaks of up to 160 millimetres, 125 in that of Parma, 120 in that of Crostolo, 113 in that of Secchia, with peaks of up to 190 millimeters, up to 90 millimeters for Taro and Nure.

On the day of June 24th alone, 112 millimeters of rain fell on the mountain and hill areas of the provinces of Parma, Reggio and Modena: the historical maximum”. In the area, Occhi continues, there are also “dozens of roads interrupted by landslides and landslides in the hills and mountains, while flooding was recorded in the lower floors of houses, as well as the collapse of small bridges. Some families were evacuated and rescued by firefighters with rubber dinghies in Langhirano, Mulazzano and Campogalliano

The territory of Emilia-Romagna therefore “shows itself to be fragile once again – states the Northern League member – basin-wide planning is needed starting from the largest reservoirs, such as the Vetto Dam. But planning at a local level is also needed, for example cleaning of woods, watercourses, canals, and gravel management, which could help the Municipalities”. We then need “lamination basins – continues Occhi – to ensure that this water which no longer infiltrates into the ground because it is waterproofed can be stored in another way without causing damage

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