Italy 24 Press News

Meeting in the Town Hall between the administration and Confagricoltura

MARCIANISE – In the Council Room of Common Of Marcianise the deputy mayor with responsibility for the Environment Pasquale Salzillothe Councilor for Agriculture Francesca Cicchella and the president of the permanent council commission for agriculture, Domenico Moriellomet the provincial representatives of Confragricoltura Casertathe lawyer Paul CountCommissioner Confagricoltura Caserta, Paul of Palmadirector of Confagricoltura Caserta, Nico Segrella Head of Enapa Caserta Patronage and Personal Services, e Pasquale GiontiMarcianise Confagricoltura Manager.

The meeting

L’encounter it took place in a climate of great collaboration, giving rise to a very fruitful discussion. The Agriculture Councilor illustrated the initiatives already planned by the municipal administration to address the critical issues reported by farmers. In particular, she focused on the mapping activity of land owned by the Municipality necessary for the drafting of a large fundamental project for the relaunch of the agricultural sector, through a synergy that will see the public and private sectors together with the involvement of the University.

The analysis of the new Puc

During the meeting the new was analyzed Municipal urban plan (Puc) recently approved to evaluate the development directions foreseen for this sector, especially with a view to the future creation of the Agricultural Park and the Agricultural Market. The discussion then continued on the need to encourage the use of new technologies in the agricultural field for greater protection of the environment and new agricultural crops. The representatives of Confragricoltura Caserta expressed their deep satisfaction with the outcome of the meeting and their maximum willingness to start an effective collaboration with the municipal administration to encourage the creation of a network with the maximum involvement of trade organisations, agricultural businesses and of the direct farmers present in the area.

Councilor Cicchella’s statement

“Participation and sharing – said the Councilor for Agriculture Francesca Cicchella – are the watchwords of our administrative action. We believe that it is necessary in every sector, and in particular in this one, to involve all the players in the field to build a direct line with a world that can make a difference today in the construction of the future community, especially for the sensitivity and values ​​that it brings as a dowry in a phase in which at the center of the political agenda of Europe and the Government, and consequently also of local authorities, there is the issue of ecological transition and environmental protection. Our goal is to enhance the agricultural tradition of Marcianise, a land that has preserved this vocation despite having been crossed by a development that went in a completely different direction with the establishment of an important industrial and commercial area. This is the challenge that we launch and that together with the protagonists of this sector we will win “.

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