Italy 24 Press News

Villa Igea: Thursday morning meeting between the Municipality and the unions

ACQUI TERME – This afternoon the representatives of the three main trade unions met with the employees of Villa Igea.

«Between male and female workers – he explains Sonia Ciminelloprovincial secretary of Uil Fpl – is there understandable concern, especially due to the reduction in activities in August and December in particular. They rightly don’t want to run the risk of finding themselves at the beginning of 2025 with a holiday plan that would find them already in “debt” to the company because they were forced to take forced breaks.” Anxiety, obviously, also for the possible budget reduction company hypothesised for next year by the Habilita Group, owner of the Acquese clinic following the failure of the Region to recognize over 10 million euros of extra budget services paid in the two-year period 2022-2023.

«We explained to the employees what the proposals we have put forward to the company are. That is to say, use of part timethe facilitation of pre-retirement and expectations. Not last, the elimination of the hourly debt starting from the summer period, so as to avoid that employees in 2025 find themselves, as mentioned, in a position of passivity”. Proposals that the company has said it is willing to think about. «We will meet again with the management in mid-September to have more precise parameters regarding these issues».

Thursday 27Meanwhile, a meeting between Mayor Rapetti and the provincial secretaries of CGIL Funzione Pubblico, Cisl Fp and Uil Fpl is scheduled for 11am at Palazzo Levi.

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