Italy 24 Press News

The Proloco rewards Don Enzo. The Golden Griffin goes to the priest of the last

GROSSETO. Goes to Don Enzo Capitani, director of Caritas and always priest of the lastThe Golden Griffin 2024.

On August 10th, in Piazza Dante, in the presence of all the authorities of the capital, the prestigious city award will be awarded.

The decision was unanimous by the thirteen members of the Proloco of Grosseto, led by the president, Dr. Andrea Bramerini, fully shared by the mayor of the capital, Vivarelli Colonna, and by the president of the Province, Limatola.

Don Enzo Capitani, priest of the diocese of Grosseto, has dedicated his entire life to combating poverty and fighting social exclusion. He has distinguished himself over the years for his humanitarian, cultural and spiritual commitment, through the promotion of the culture of dialogue and encounter, knowing how to make an extraordinary contribution in the battle against addictions through the Ceis.

His generous and passionate office in favor of the protection of the dignity of the person, exercised daily through Caritas and his role as prison chaplain, was expressed with solidarity initiatives towards those who experience conditions of solitude, hardship and isolation. He has always maintained that fighting for the least puts him face to face with the true history of humanity.
In the name of sharing and listening, he has created various support networks for those most in need.

There his precious and generous work has extended far beyond our territoryreaching other countries, such as India and Kenya, where, with the help of some volunteers, it supported some missions and promoted projects to support HIV-positive women and their children, long-distance adoptions, and people with disabilities.

A life spent with self-sacrifice every day with the least and for the least, which certainly deserves the Golden Griffin.

«A choice taken without hesitation – explains the president of the Proloco, Andrea Bramerini -. This year we said it would be a year dedicated to social issues. And then this year marks the 50th anniversary of Caritas in Grosseto. Don Enzo’s choice goes in this direction.”

In fact, 12 April 2024 marked the 50th anniversary of the start of the activities of the diocesan Caritas. On 12 April 1974 the bishop of Grosseto, mons. Primo Gasbarri signed the decree establishing Caritas, three years after the establishment of Italian Caritas by the CEI.

Simiani: «A prize for those who don’t look the other way»

«The awarding of the Golden Griffin to the director of Caritas of Grosseto, Don Enzo Capitani, represents a significant signal for our community. Don Enzo is the virtuous example of those who do not look the other way, but face the critical issues of our territory on a daily basis. He deals with social problems without belittling them, with the aim of solving them and always putting the person at the centre. If Grosseto is a city that is a little more human, welcoming and supportive, it is also thanks to him.”

This is what the Democratic Party deputy declares Marco Simiani regarding the prestigious recognition awarded by the Municipality and Province of Grosseto.

«Don Enzo’s commitment to Caritas has led to a tangible improvement in the lives of many people. Thanks to his dedication and his ability to face challenges with humanity and determination, the Grosseto community has seen a growth in hospitality and solidarity towards those most in need. This award is recognition of the value of those who work every day for the common good, without seeking visibility but with concrete and constant action. Don Enzo Capitani, with his tireless work, has demonstrated that it is possible to make a difference, contributing to making Grosseto a better city. The Golden Griffin, therefore, is not just a personal award, but a symbol of hope and civil commitment for the entire community”, concludes Marco Simiani.

The honor roll of the award

This the roll of honor of the prize

  • 1958 – Ferdinando Innocenti
  • 1959 – Carlo Cassola
  • 1960 – Choral “Giacomo Puccini”
  • 1961 – Ildebrando Imberciadori
  • 1962 – Piero Fanti
  • 1963 – Organization of Reso
  • 1965 – Monte dei Paschi di Siena
  • 1966 – 4th Wing
  • 1967 – Tolomeo Faccendi
  • 1968 – Eurovinyl
  • 1969 – Luciano Bianciardi
  • 1971 – Renato Pollini
  • 1972 – Maremma Horse Racing Society
  • 1974 – Ambrogio Fogar
  • 1977 – Vico Consorti
  • 1978 – Terrazzieri Cooperative
  • 1979 – Christmas Lorenzini
  • 1980 – Maremma Historical Society
  • 1981 – Music in the cloister
  • 1983 – Magliano madrigalist group
  • 1984 – Mario Luzi
  • 1985 – Maremma Natural Park
  • 1986 – Roberto Ferretti
  • 1987 – Giuliana Ponticelli
  • 1988 – Giuseppe Guerrini and Marcello Legaluppi
  • 1989 – Aldo Mazzolai
  • 1991 – Mario Umberto Dianzani
  • 1992 – Geno Pampaloni
  • 1993 – Alfio Cavoli
  • 1994 – Military Quadruped Breeding and Supply Centre
  • 1995 – Chapter of the Cathedral of Grosseto
  • 1996 – Tele Maremma
  • 1997 – Alessandra Sensini
  • 1998 – Antonio Nepi
  • 1999 – Luna Rossa
  • 2000 – Alfio Giomi
  • 2001 – Bianchi family
  • 2002 – “Savoia Cavalleria” Regiment (3rd)
  • 2003 – Grosseto University Centre
  • 2004 – BBC Grosseto
  • 2005 – Festambiente
  • 2006 – Unione Sportiva Grosseto 1912
  • 2007 – “City of Grosseto” Symphony Orchestra
  • 2008 – Banca della Maremma Credito Cooperativo
  • 2009 – Teletirreno
  • 2010 – Giotto Minucci
  • 2011 – Eraldo Camarri
  • 2012 – Giovanni Lamioni
  • 2014 – Ubaldo Corsini
  • 2015 – Irio Tommasini
  • 2016 – Nomadelfia
  • 2017 – Il Fiorino Dairy
  • 2018 – Antonio Di Cristofano
  • 2019 – Gianfranco Luzzetti
  • 2020 – Roberto Ricci
  • 2021 – Andrea Coratti
  • 2022 – Ambra Sabatini
  • 2023 – Elisabetta Geppetti
  • was born from the idea of ​​Guido Fiorini and Francesca Gori
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