Italy 24 Press News

Giancarlo Mariani wins the National Regatta 2.4mR Trofeo Albrici in Dervio

Another important result for Liberi nel Vento.

After the third place achieved in the Andora and Jesolo regattas comes Giancarlo Mariani’s first victory of the 2024 season in the exciting National Regatta of the 2.4mR sailing class organized on 22 and 23 June on Lake Como by the Lega Navale of Milan.

Nineteen athletes were present on the starting line, Giancarlo Mariani and Giorgio Curzi, bearers of Liberi nel Vento, who challenged each other in very challenging weather conditions for the summer season. Sustained and cold winds, wave water and rain put the helmsmen and boats to the test.

The race committee managed to arrange four races.
With a victory and two second places Giancarlo Mariani wins the 2.4mR Trofeo Albrici National Regatta ahead of Domenico Ciavatta and Mario Gambarini of the Lega Navale of Mandello del Lario. Sixth place for the other Liberi nel Vento athlete Giorgio Curzi.

A beautiful and challenging trip which served as a launch for the next sporting event which will be organized in Porto San Giorgio on 6 and 7 July.

From various parts of Italy, including Austria, the strongest helmsmen of the Italian 2.4mR Class will arrive at the Marina of Porto San Giorgio to participate in the XVII edition of the National Regatta 2.4mR Sandro Ricci Trophy – Rotary Trophy of Fermo Memorial Francesco Raccamadoro Ramelli, Marina Cup of Porto San Giorgio.

A classic of the national circuit of the Italian Class 2.4mR, always well attended, also for the beautiful and functional nautical base which, thanks to supporters, institutions and sponsors, the Asd Liberi nel Vento has succeeded, thanks to the availability of the ownership of the Marina di Porto San Giorgio , to realize and consolidate.
A sporting reality that promotes the sport of sailing for all on the reference boats of the Italian Sailing Federation and the Italian Paralympic Committee for paralympic activity.

The sporting activity is carried out thanks to the support of Sollini Accessori Calzature, Sollini Unip Lda, Vega Italian Style for Lift, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo, Premiata, Solettificio Biccirè, Marinedì, Sace MarineCork, Triride Italia Srl, Solgas Fermo, Rotary Club of Fermo, Energean, Luisa Pompei Pharmacy, Effemme Srl, Savelli Ascensori, Marina di Porto San Giorgio Spa Tourist Port. In collaboration, Lega Navale di Porto San Giorgio, Territorial Social Area, Centronautico Mare, Croce Azzurra, Civil Protection of Porto San Giorgio , CNM&Co shipyard and ANMIL Marche.


1-Giancarlo Mariani wins the Albrici Trophy ahead of Domenico Ciavatta and Mario Gambarini

2-The 2.4mR boats that competed at the 2.4mR National Regatta in Dervio.

3-The 2.4mR boats that competed at the 2.4mR National Regatta in Dervio – 2

4-Final ranking of the 2.4mR National Regatta in Dervio

5-The Liberi nel Vento nautical base ready to host the helmsmen of the Italian 2.4mR Class

6-The poster of the XVII edition of the 2.4mR National Regatta – 6/7 July – Porto San Giorgio

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