Italy 24 Press News

Flames in Agrigento: Three Big Fires Cause Panic

Agrigento hit by three huge fires in different areas of the city. Timely interventions by the Fire Brigade avoid worse consequences. Details and considerations on what happened.

Fire in Via Passeggiata Archeologica

Agrigento was the scene of a series of fires which put the firefighters to the test and caused concern among residents. The first of these episodes occurred in Via Passeggiata Archeologica, near the Anas headquarters. The flames, fueled by dry vegetation and brushwood, spread rapidly, threatening trees and olive trees in the area.

Thanks to the timely intervention of the Fire Brigade, the flames were put out before they could reach a hotel and Villa Genuardi, thus avoiding more serious consequences. The skill and speed of the Corona department head and his team were fundamental in containing the fire and preventing further damage.

Flames near the Morandi Bridge

A second fire hit the area around the Morandi bridge, affecting Solferino and Dante streets. Here, the fire engulfed a car and a trailer parked in a condominium space, causing significant damage. Also on this occasion, the Fire Brigade showed great competence, managing to stop the advance of the flames and protect the surrounding homes.

Moses village under attack

The last fire of the series occurred in Villaggio Mose, near the fruit and vegetable market on Via Sirio. The flames, initially fueled by brush and waste, threatened a nearby business. Once again, the effective intervention of the Fire Brigade prevented the fire from spreading further, avoiding damage to the commercial structures.


These events highlight the importance of prevention and rapid response in emergency situations. Drought and the presence of dry vegetation are factors that increase the risk of fires, making constant maintenance of green areas and active supervision by the competent authorities essential.

Furthermore, collaboration between residents and emergency services is crucial to effectively address these emergencies. The community of Agrigento has shown great solidarity and support towards the Fire Brigade, recognizing their fundamental role in protecting the territory.

As the exact causes of these fires are investigated, it is clear that prevention and preparedness remain essential tools to avoid future tragedies. The local government could consider implementing additional control and land management measures to reduce the risk of fires and protect the safety of citizens.

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