Italy 24 Press News

Tragic accident on the Flaminia. A woman dies in the crash. A minicar and a truck were involved

More blood on the Umbrian roads, another woman victim of a fatal accident. This time the tragedy occurred in Narni, along the Flaminia. She is a citizen of Gualdo di Narni, 58 years old, her initials are PS, she was driving a ‘minicar’ (four-wheeled vehicle with a maximum displacement of 50cc) when she collided with a tractor unit without a trailer, driven by a 47-year-old of Italian nationality. Unfortunately, the help brought by the 118 health workers was useless: for the woman – whose vehicle, following the impact, ended up against a wall – there was nothing that could be done. A third car was also marginally involved in the accident. According to an initial reconstruction, but the dynamics are yet to be verified, the driver of the tractor – perhaps thanks to the road surface made slippery by the rain – lost control of the vehicle, ending up against the minicar, which in turn remained stuck between the heavy vehicle and the retaining wall that runs along the roadway.

The accident occurred in the mid-afternoon, around 5pm, along the 3 Flaminia state road, in the municipal area of ​​Narni (Terni), between the hamlets of Vigne and Gualdo di Narni (kilometer 75+300). According to a note from Anas, the police intervened on the spot – carabinieri from the Narni station command for the surveys, Narni local police officers for the support and management of the road system -, the firefighters from the provincial command of Terni, the 118 health workers and Anas employees for the necessary operations. The stretch of road on which the accident occurred was temporarily closed to allow for rescue and investigations.

The impact, some witnesses say, was terrible and unfortunately there was nothing that could be done for the poor girl. When help arrived, the woman was in fact already dead. Anas, a company of the Italian FS Group’s infrastructure hub, intervened with its own team to manage the road network blocked at km 75,300 in both directions.

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