Italy 24 Press News

the scammers are two high school graduates

ANCONA With the story of the false car accident that happened to the nephew, they had stolen 10 thousand euros worth of jewels from an 84-year-old from Camerano. The escape by car to reach Campania was stopped by the carabinieri in Abruzzo, near Castel di Sangro. The two scammers, both 19 years old from Campania, were arrested and then taken to prison. It was last February 8th. Four months later, the student couple settled their account with the justice system.

The penalty

Yesterday morning, in the courtroom presided over by the preliminary hearing judge Francesca De Palma, they agreed to a plea deal of one year and six months in prison. With the conditional suspension of the sentence, the precautionary measure that had been imposed on them with their arrest also fell. After a very short period of time in cell, the judge (also considering their state of having no criminal record) had granted house arrest to the two students to allow them to attend their studies and take state exams. Since yesterday, at the conclusion of the hearing, they have been free.

The stolen property, found at the time of the arrest in Abruzzo, has already been returned to its rightful owner. The old woman had fallen into the most classic of traps: the fake car accident scam. According to the reconstruction of the prosecutor’s office, it was the two students from Campania who had woven the web, who had pretended to be Carabinieri operators. “Ma’am, we are the police: your nephew had an accident, we need money immediately to resolve the issue, if you tell us where he lives we will come and get it” was the tenor of the phone call.

The poor girl had collected all the jewels she had, then handed them over to the boy who showed up at her front door. The 84-year-old had subsequently called a family member, telling them what had happened: from there, the alarm was raised to the police (the real ones). Searches for the scammers had been released, including the license plate of the SUV in which they had escaped. The arrest was made in Castel di Sangro. The defendants were defended by the lawyer Rosario Piccolo, Andrea Fabbozzo and Achille D’Angerio.


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