Italy 24 Press News

Gianluca’s exceptional feat accomplished

A feat accomplished for Gianluca Santacatterina, the Venetian who yesterday, on his 56th birthday, reached Fossacesia after leaving his hometown, Schio (Vicenza), 35 hours earlier.

A 560 kilometer non-stop ride to raise awareness of the importance of cardiac prevention, following a series of health problems he experienced first-hand, which forced him to undergo several operations. Obstacles which, however, have not slowed down his desire to play sports and send positive messages, as he has done since 2021 on board his two-wheeler.

Yesterday, he chose to celebrate his birthday in Abruzzo: he left Schio for a non-stop journey of 35 hours in total, of which 27 were in motion, without sleeping for even a minute.

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TO Fossacesia, the cyclist was welcomed upon arrival, in Piazza Fantini, by the mayor Enrico Di Giuseppantonio and the deputy Maura Sgrignuoli.

“Gianluca is not just an example, he is much more, and he has demonstrated it with determination, courage and altruism – is the comment of Di Giuseppantonio – The message of solidarity that he brings with his new venture is in fact of great importance for everyone. We were delighted that he arrived in Fossacesia, and not by chance, because our city is in the heart of the Costa dei Trabocchi, which has become one of the most popular places for families and those who prefer slow tourism. With Gianluca comes a precise message on the importance of prevention, through physical activity and movement, which are fundamental for living healthy”.

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