Italy 24 Press News

Two people still missing after the floods in Mesolcina

The debris flow completely destroyed three houses.

Keystone / Michael Buholzer

Rescue services resumed the search on Monday morning for the couple missing after the flood that hit the Italian Grisons valley on Friday evening. An 83-year-old man was found dead on Sunday.

This content was published on

June 24, 2024 – 10:07 am

The debris flow that hit Sorte, a hamlet of Lostallo, claimed one victim. The lifeless body of an 83-year-old man was found in the river between Grono and Roveredo, about 8 kilometers south of the scene of the tragedy. The man was the partner of the 70-year-old woman who was rescued on Saturday morning. Admitted to hospital, she was able to leave the intensive care unit.

Meanwhile, after being interrupted during the night, the search operations resumed on Monday morning. Two spouses are still missing from the appeal.

However, the chances of finding them alive are very low, William Kloter, head of operations for the Graubünden cantonal police, admitted during a press conference on Sunday.

Traffic problems

On Sunday evening, the cantonal road was partially reopened, but only for residents and to make deliveries, not for transit traffic. However, the A13 motorway, which leads to San Bernardino, remains closed. A section of this road has collapsed and the axis that relieves the Gotthard a little during traffic peaks could remain closed for a long time.

The latest updates in today’s edition of the news:

Present at Sunday’s press conference as a sign of solidarity, Ticino federal councilor Ignazio Cassis indicated that the Department of Transport headed by his colleague Albert Rösti is working to resolve traffic problems.

According to the deputy director of the Federal Roads Office Guido Biaggi, interviewed by the Swiss Radio and Television SRF, a partial reopening of the motorway will take at least three or four weeks. “It’s a realistic scenario, as long as the water conditions allow it – explained Biaggi. We are in the study phase, but we can imagine a temporary opening.”

Public transport through Mesolcina was able to be restored on Monday morning. However, according to the Grisons authorities and information from the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), irregular services and delays are to be expected.

SBB is evaluating whether to increase capacity on the north-south axis. In view of the summer holidays, due to the damage to the A13, some tourists may fall back on the train.

In the news report the testimony of a survivor:

35 homes flooded

According to an initial assessment drawn up on Sunday by the mayor of Lostallo Nicola Giudicetti, the flood on Friday evening caused the flooding of 35 homes, six of which are uninhabitable and three completely destroyed, as well as two grottos. Furthermore, several kilometers of road and the purifier were damaged, which will have to be completely renovated.

The floods also caused some damage to several hydroelectric power plants, which had to be taken out of service.

Axpo deactivated six of them to carry out checks. All six power plants and the related dams – the company announced on Monday – “are currently in safe conditions and three of them are ready for operation; will be put back into operation at the appropriate time and in consultation with the authorities.”

to know more



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This content was published on

June 22, 2024

A woman found alive under the rubble, three houses destroyed and the A13 motorway collapsed in Mesolcina (Graubünden), about twenty km from Bellinzona, due to heavy rainfall in recent days.

More Landslides and floods in Italian-speaking Switzerland, three missing

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