Italy 24 Press News

“A widespread phenomenon, more controls needed”

“Corporation is certainly a growing phenomenon in this area but the Latina Prosecutor’s Office has nothing to blame: numerous investigations have been carried out, trials have been held and many are underway for this crime”.

Speaking is the public prosecutor Giuseppe De Falco, in charge of the investigation into the death of Satnam Singh which sees the 37-year-old entrepreneur Antonello Lovato registered in the register of suspects for manslaughter, negligence and violation of labor regulations. The magistrate in his office in via Ezio reiterates that he wants to maintain the strictest confidentiality about the ongoing investigation, entrusted to the carabinieri of the provincial command. He only explains how, in the absence of the flagraza of the crime and the danger of escape, the arrest of the owner of the company in Borgo Santa Maria where the accident which later proved fatal for the laborer occurred was not permitted.

“The number of companies where the exploitation of foreign labor is found in this district is not insignificant – underlines De Falco – and more controls, including preventative ones, would probably be necessary to prevent the working conditions of these people from remaining in the shadows and they do not see the light. The fear of the labourers, most of whom come from eastern countries, often prevails, as they live in precarious conditions and fear losing the only job they have what happens in these companies”. “In some cases the investigations started from administrative checks – he explains – sometimes from complaints from the unions but we certainly need to increase the controls”.

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