Italy 24 Press News

Paola Perego witness, location dress, guests

Simona Ventura And Giovanni Terzi they will finally crown their dream of love: on July 6th they will become husband and wife. There is very little left until the “Yes” day and there is great excitement to ensure that everything is perfect. Together since 2018, the couple made the public dream with a romantic wedding proposal on Dancing with the Stars. From the location, to the dress, from the VIP guests to the wedding planner, all the details of the marriage of summer.

The exes

After the one with Stefano Bettarini, with whom she had two children, Niccolò and Giacomo, it will be Simona Ventura’s second marriage. Giovanni Terzi, however, has a few more, the first with a woman called Paola, about whom not much information is known, with whom he had a son Lodovico; the second with Silvia Fondrieschi, from whose relationship Giulio Antonio was born.

The witnesses

As best man for the wedding, Simona Ventura chose Paola Perego, a friend in life and at work, while Terzi’s best man will be his best friend Marco Di Terlizzi who is head (with Professor Alessandro Frigiola) of the Cardiopathic Children in the World foundation.

The location

The location chosen is the Grand Hotel in Rimini, a paradise between nature and relaxation, and above all a place in the hearts of both.

The pre party in Milan and the guests

For the civil ceremony on July 6th only a few close friends are expected, but for the pre-wedding party with all the friends, which will take place on June 26th in Milan, there will be at least 1000 guests.

Wedding planner and controversy

Coordinating everything will be the wedding planner par excellence Enzo Miccio, who was unable to avoid the first controversy dedicated to the Ventura – Terzi wedding: on the invitations sent to friends an IBAN was inserted in shiny characters with the reason “Simona and Giovanni Honeymoon”

The wedding dress

As regards the wedding dress, Simona Ventura did not reveal anything but gave a few small previews when she was a guest at Antonella Clerici on È semper menoron. «Since we are entertainers I want to be spectacular. We will have different looks, Enzo Miccio is taking care of everything. I don’t want to be sober. It’s not like me.”


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