Italy 24 Press News


The Municipality of Sulmona has issued a ban on lighting fires in the woods and burning plant residues, in response to the regional ordinance which establishes the period of serious danger of forest fires from 15 June to 15 October throughout the entire territory of Abruzzo.

The ordinance invites citizens to strictly respect the ban on lighting any residue resulting from agricultural activities and/or land cleaning. This measure is essential to prevent fires and limit the accumulation of smoke, which could have serious repercussions on the health of the most vulnerable people, particularly during high summer temperatures.

In response to this emergency, the Prefecture of L’Aquila has activated a technical table with services targeted by the police force to protect the enormous forest heritage of the region. Citizens are also invited to immediately report the presence of smoke to the single emergency number 112. For further information, you can contact the Sulmona local police operations center on 0864/242206.

During the “Period of serious danger for forest fires”, as provided for by regional law number 3 of 4 January 2014, the following regulations and prohibitions are active in forest areas:

  1. Prohibition on lighting fires: It is forbidden to light fires, explode mines, use flame or electric devices to cut metals, use engines, stoves or incinerators that produce sparks or embers, and carry out any other operation that could create a fire hazard.
  2. Parking in the meadows and woods: It is forbidden to park cars equipped with catalytic converters on meadows or in the woods.
  3. Landfill management: In public or private landfills it is mandatory to proceed with the systematic covering of waste with inert material. It is forbidden to eliminate waste by burning, and the landfill manager must immediately extinguish any fires.
  4. Lighting of fires: From 1st June to 30th September it is forbidden to light fires within the limit of 200 meters from the extreme edge of the forest.
  5. Ban on throwing incendiary materials from vehicles: It is forbidden to throw matches, cigars or lit cigarettes from moving vehicles during the danger period.

The Municipality of Sulmona and the regional authorities remind citizens of the importance of prudence and attention to protect the territory and public health. Everyone’s collaboration is essential to prevent environmental disasters and ensure community safety.

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