Italy 24 Press News

The first window of the Lazio Cinema International 2024 call is now underway

It supports international co-productions with 5 million euros. On 27 June and 9 July information meetings with Lazio Innova technicians

Come back Lazio Cinema Internationalthe Notice that supports international co-productions made in Lazio financed with the European PR ERDF fund 2021-2027. The first window provides for an allocation of 5 million eurosfor half (2.5 million euros) reserved for Audiovisual Works of Regional Interest.

With the aim of strengthening and improving the competitiveness of film production companies and their related industries, also through more intense collaboration with foreign producers; offer greater international visibility of the tourist destinations of Lazio and in particular of the places of artistic and cultural value that are today more marginal compared to a demand mainly concentrated on Rome, and therefore the competitiveness of the tourism sector.

The recipients are SMEs, Co-Producers and Independent Producers in the field of film, video and television program production, registered in the Company Register (or equivalent register of an EU Member State) with tax residence in Italy and an operational headquarters in Lazio , with the “financial capacity” and operational capacity necessary to create the audiovisual work.

The contribution for each individual Audiovisual Work cannot exceed 50% of the Allowed Costs and the amount of 600,000 euros in absolute value. The Notice is managed by Lazio Innova.

Requests must be sent by filling out the form on the GeCoWEB Plus platform of Lazio Innova following the steps and procedures provided. The form must be filled out and the application sent by 5:00 pm on 19 July 2024..

The eligible works deemed suitable by the Technical Evaluation Commission will be financed through a ranking, in order of score until the economic resources are exhausted, according to the criteria set out in the Notice (from the technical quality, to the CVs of the key figures, up to the ability to promote knowledge of the territory and the impact on the economic system), with a reserve for Works of Regional Interest.

Through the Lazio Cinema International call, 256 foreign production companies were involved in 185 co-productions, awarded in the major national and international festivals, with 335 prizes collected. The films in competition at Cannes 2024 were recently financed: ‘Marcello Mio’ by Christophe Honoré and Grand tour by Miguel Gomes.

For more information regarding the Lazio Cinema International call, you can participate in the meetings with Lazio Innova expertsat the headquarters of Cinema and Audiovisual Hub (via Parigi 11). Registration on [email protected].

  • The June 27th from 5pm to 7pm
  • The July 9th from 5pm to 7pm

To find out more about the announcement go to the dedicated landing page.

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