Italy 24 Press News

Camaldoli, 100 hectares of forest destroyed by the fire and there are still outbreaks

Many tree trunks, in the over 100 hectares that went up in smoke, are still smoking and should all be put out.

The Camaldoli hill after the fire

The enormous fire that devastated the Camaldoli hill in Naples between last Wednesday and Thursday destroyed over 100 hectares of vegetation. It is, precisely, 105 hectares, mostly of Mediterranean scrub, as reconstructed from the images from above with the firefighters’ drone. To this day, they are still there some outbreaks which are difficult to extinguish, as they are located in positions that cannot be reached on foot and which must also be controlled and extinguished with aerial fire-fighting equipment.

Hundreds of logs went up in smoke

Many tree trunks in the over 100 hectares that burned are still smoking and should all be put out. At the moment, therefore, the fire is no longer underway, but the reclamation and preventive control activity carried out by the firefighters. Also Sma Campania should be interested, as these are forests that fall under its jurisdiction.

The large fire, probably of malicious origin, broke out in Naples on the afternoon of last Wednesday, 19 June, around 3.30 pm. The flames started near the Soccavo-Pianura perimeter connectiondevouring the thick vegetation of the area, until it touches the Camaldoli Hermitage on one side, and the neighborhood of Fuorigrotta, on the other. A large column of smoke rose from the fire, while a rain of ash fell on the cityreported in various neighborhoods, from Vomero to the historic center.

Naples fire, new outbreaks on the Pianura side and near the Hermitage, Canadair in action

The garrison of the police forces

On Friday, meanwhile, the issue was at the center of the Rescue Coordination Center, gathered 24 hours a day by the prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari. To protect the inhabited area, the prefect arranged “a joint inter-force belting garrison”, to support the activities of the teams of the Fire Brigade and those of the regional civil protection volunteers. Local and metropolitan police, as well as carabinieri from the Naples forestry group, were also involved in the checks.

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