Italy 24 Press News

Chieti, councilor Di Roberto’s agenda for the care of common goods – News

Chieti. “Riding over concerns or protests is useless: good politics is made with proposals for administrative acts or ideas that are truly useful for the city. On the lake of the Villa and on public goods, from the opposition only scandalism and petty and populist justice”, said the leader councilor of Azione Barbara Di Roberto.

“So, as group leader of Action with Calenda in Chieti, I filed, by certified email, an invitation and request agenda for our Mayor and for the municipal council to adopt and present to the Commission first, and then to the municipal council, a municipal regulation for the shared administration of common goods – explains the councilor -, that is, a Regulation which, following a collaboration agreement to be drawn up with individual citizens or aggregated in spontaneous forms, with associations, with environmental organizations or for the protection of material and immaterial, but also with private individuals or productive entities, encourages collaboration and participation in the care, preservation and daily maintenance of common goods, i.e. public spaces, streets and squares, fountains and urban and extra-urban municipal goods and furnishings. This type of management of public goods, shared between administrations and citizens, has been a very widespread form in Italy since 2014, and the regulation model that I proposed to our council is the one that acts as a prototype for the many municipalities that are experimenting and implementing these effective governance methods.

In Chieti our Administration has already successfully implemented a form of sharing in the management of the public good: we did so with the assignment of the Green Areas, i.e. roundabouts, traffic islands, flowerbeds and flower boxes. With Councilors Zappalorto and Rispoli we had already thought about working on the Regulation on Common Goods at the time, but it is clear that having the Council Commission responsible for the Regulations in the hands of the opposition which does not use it to work for the city, but which only makes it an instrument of controversy and obstructionism, has slowed down every initiative or useful purpose or project.

Today, however, I can be certain that this Proposal for the “shared administration of the Common Goods” will not have any problems or political stumbles in the Regulation Commission first, and then in the City Council, but rather that it will find the vote in favor not only of the Majority, but also and above all of that opposition which, accusing the Chieti Administration of insensitivity to the problems, proposes sit-ins in favor of the camera as a useful solution to them, thereby demonstrating that in their opinion this is the job that the municipal councilor must carry out : overcome the problems by simply complaining and denouncing them in the press and on social media, while in the Chamber neither the tone of voice is known nor, above all, there is evidence of feasible and effective proposals or ideas contributing to the well-being of the city and the people of Teatini .

Instead, the task of the municipal councilor, both of the majority and of the opposition, is expressed with the proposed resolutions in the Chamber, with the feasible initiatives and the preparation of actions, facts and above all deeds to be deliberated in the municipal council to resolve problems of a city, or to bring new ideas of administrative management of a city. This applies to all municipal councilors, without distinction of part, party, position in the Chamber: the law provides for it and it is certainly what citizens expect from those who voted and elected, whether they are from the majority or the opposition. In any case, having a minority that regularly exploits and incites public opinion on facts, which are widely documented and explained, for which both the administrators and the administrators had already taken action as in the case of the lake of the municipal villa, is certainly useful to mark the distance from a certain approach to politics: on the other hand it is easier and more convenient to point the finger at those who govern rather than demonstrate that they are better and more competent than those who are criticized: in fact they don’t even try, preferring the easy and comfortable populism that has always characterized the smiling Chieti Viva.

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