Italy 24 Press News

Milan transfer market, Emerson Royal: ‘The Rossoneri’s interest is gratifying’

Emerson Royal has been in AC Milan’s sights for some time. The Rossoneri, looking for a full-back and waiting to understand the future of Theo Hernandez (cryptic since France’s withdrawal a few days ago), closely observe various profiles including that of the Brazilian from Tottenham. The 1999-born player, certainly not a starter in the ‘spurs’ last season, spoke about his future to journalist André Hernan on Youtube: “Knowing that Milan is talking to Tottenham it’s very rewarding because it is a team known for having Brazilian players. Let’s wait and see what happens“.

Emerson Royal, the numbers this season

Just 24 total appearances this season for Emerson Royal in all competitions. In Premier League there were 11 times in which he took to the field as a starter, while 16 occasions in which he observed his teammates playing from the bench (without being called into action during the match). A goal on the first day against Brentford, with Emerson Royal who can cover various roles in defense: if the right lane is the one most suited to him, this season he has also been deployed on the opposite flank, as well as as a central defender. His contract with Tottenham expires on June 30, 2026.

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