Italy 24 Press News

dangerous fire in the province! Volunteers, farmers, firefighters, civil protection, Carabinieri at work

Worrying afternoon yesterday in Viggiano because of two fires that occurred in the Serra Carlea area and in the Carpineta area.

Mayor Amedeo Cicala explains:

“Fires almost certainly of arson nature.

At the moment everything is under control.

I feel the duty to thank the Fire Brigade, the Ass. Civil Protection headquarters in Viggiano (Vincenzo Mallaurino, Pasquale Zupone and Giuseppe Curcio), the Municipal Police Command, the Carabinieri of Viggiano who intervened on site.

Thanks toMunicipal Civil Protection Office coordinated by Arch Amelina.

A big thanks to the many citizens of Viggiano who instantly made means and people available for a rapid intervention that avoided the worst and among all thanks to Martino and Antonio San Felice, to Mario Conte, to Antonio Milano, to Maurizio Giuliano and to Gastone Paolini.

A special thank you to Nicola Milano who very quickly, driving his own tractor, created a fire cutting line which avoided a certain expansion of the area affected by the fire.

I apologize if I forgot anyone but they were orre excited where it was necessary to intervene and decide quickly.

I now return home from the places affected by the fires even more convinced that the The Viggianese community is strong and cohesive and is capable of working as a team when it comes to defending and protecting its country.

Proud to be able to administer the Community of Viggiano”.

Here are photos of the fire.

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