Italy 24 Press News

Lazio, Flaminio project: the turning point is approaching

ROME – Still no official steps for Flaminius, but the countdown is getting closer and closer to the end. Next week (or at most in the first days of July), according to the latest unofficial rumours, should be the decisive one for the presentation of the project preliminary of new Lazio stadium to the municipal administration. President Lotito in recent days it has continued to obtain positive opinions and consultations that have given favorable results regarding the feasibility of the proposal developed by its technicians. Presuppositions that should push us to break the deadlock and thus move on to formal steps.

Not just Flaminio

The Municipality is awaiting news and in the meantime has confirmed its line of wanting to invest in sport, both grassroots and professional, with concrete actions such as the construction of another hall (where among other things the Lazio volleyball hall was to be built): «It begins – he explained Alessandro Onorato, Councilor for Sport, Tourism, Fashion and Major Events of Rome Capital – the demolition of the eco-monster of the unfinished building of the Colli d’Oro Park. In the autumn we will then proceed with the start of the construction site for the new multifunctional sports facility which will be finished by 2026. It will have a capacity of 1,000 spectators, in an area of ​​3700 square metres, and will be able to host basketball, volleyball and five-a-side football, as well as other disciplines, such as martial arts. Furthermore, in addition to this one in Colli d’Oro, just to name two, the works for the PalaCorviale have already started and those for the PalaCesano have been financed. And then I would like to remember the reopening of the PalaTiziano, abandoned for years and now back with us to host thousands of spectators.”

Flaminio situation

In short, Lazio all has to do is move concretely: «When Lotito presents the project, we will follow this path. We are ready to accompany him. From our point of view, as already mentioned, we do not accept diktats according to which the Flaminio cannot be renovated. We await the proposal. Clearly, if the president of a football team informally shows us the project, saying that he is ready to present it, there is no time limit. In the same way, however, we have other proposals on the table and we must evaluate alternative paths in the interest of the common good. We are not rooting for a particular solution: obviously, logic would dictate that Lazio and Rome have their own stadium, otherwise the message gets across that owned facilities can only be built abroad.”

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