Italy 24 Press News

Rimini. Sadegholvaad alongside the firefighters: “45 units are missing and they only have one ladder truck”

“I am, or rather we are like the entire Rimini community, with the Rimini firefighters. The critical issues regarding the lack of personnel and equipment of the provincial command of the Fire Brigade raised by FP CGIL add discouragement to an already notoriously bleak picture. To think that the provincial command has only one ladder truck at its disposal, also to cover any interventions in the territory of San Marino, seems absurd”.

These are the words of solidarity of mayor of Rimini Jamil Sadegholvaad regarding the difficulties, at staffing level, encountered by the provincial fire brigade command.

The mayor says: “While unfortunately it is less surprising but equally serious, to learn that the Rimini Corps is paying a personnel deficit of 20% compared to the expected staffing plan: we are talking about 45 fewer units, men and women whose contribution would be fundamental to better manage the heavy amount of work, given the need to cover a vast provincial territory with a very high tourist attractiveness, and therefore with an inevitable growth in requests for intervention. Presences are growing, the security needs of citizens and territories are increasing, the resources for the forces responsible for garrisoning and aiding our communities remain unchanged (if not decreasing): an imperfect equation to which we are now accustomed“.

Adds Sadegholvaad: “By launching the public initiative to collect signatures to be submitted to the Government in support of the permanent strengthening of the Police forces in the Rimini area, we wanted to underline without polemical or instrumental intent what is however an incontrovertible fact: the inadequacy of the responses that they arrive from the central bodies of the State on an essential area such as security. Over the years, despite repeated appeals, letters, meetings and clashes with the various governments that have alternated, nothing has ever changed and it is only thanks to the extraordinary commitment made by the police and public security forces and by virtue of a territory that in its components has always shown itself capable of networking, which has nevertheless managed to guarantee a high level of supervision.
Should we therefore really surrender to the theory of “he who does it himself does it for three”? The participation in the petition, with over three thousand signatures between the online platform and paper forms in two weeks, suggests that not everyone thinks this way. I trust that the Government will take note of the real conditions in which the security forces operate and what the concrete needs of a provincial territory which cannot be compared to others due to its characteristics and presence”.

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