Italy 24 Press News

The 2024/2025 Lazio hunting calendar has been published

© WildlifeWorld / shutterstock

Francesco Rocca signed the decree containing the Lazio hunting calendar for the 2024/2025 season.

At least for the moment there are no doves (both are necessary a specific in-depth analysis both the coordination with the other Regions) nor the pre-opening: these are the first details we notice when scrolling through the 2024/2025 Lazio hunting calendar; Francesco Rocca, the president of the regional council, he signed it in the past few hours.

In parallelthe choice to set the start of the turdid and woodcock hunt for October 2nd and to keep it open until the end of January is interesting; in Veneto the Zaia council decided the opposite, bringing forward both dates.

Dog training will be permitted from August 18th to 31st, from dawn to 11am, and from 1st to 12th September until 7pm; the gray partridge (October-November) will only be huntable in areas where the ATCs ascertain the stabilization of the reintroduced populations, and with a constant monitoring operation ensure the sustainability of the harvest, which in any case cannot exceed 15% of the consistency estimated on the eve of the opening.

Both in the suitable areas and in the white areaswhere those who are not members of the teams hunt, you will be able to hunt wild boar for a total of thirty-nine days in total, equally divided between November, December and January.

Finally, there will be 834 pochards that can be collected; Only those who have forwarded a specific request to the relevant ATC will be able to hunt them (and will have to report them by the end of February, even in the absence of killing).

Hunting in Lazio: dates by species in the 2024/2025 season

  • Lark: 2 October – 30 December 2024
  • Teal, snipe, gadwall, pintail, wood pigeon, hooded crow, wigeon, coot, whip, moorhen, magpie, mallard, jay, garganey, shoveler, pochard, water rail, fox: 15 September 2024 – 30 January 2025
  • Woodcock, fieldfare, song thrush, redwing: 2 October 2024 – 30 January 2025
  • Boar: 2 November 2024 – 30 January 2025
  • Wild rabbit, blackbird: 15 September – 30 December 2024
  • Pheasant: 15 September – 30 December 2024 (30 January 2025 in wildlife-hunting companies and in the planned hunting area subject to specific management)
  • Hare: 15 September – 9 December 2024
  • Quail: 15 September – 31 October 2024
  • Partridge: 2 October – 30 November 2024

Pochard: the game bag for Atc

  • Viterbo 1:62
  • Viterbo 2: 68
  • Rieti 1: 60
  • Rieti 2: 27
  • Rome 1: 119
  • Rome 2: 208
  • Latin 1: 86
  • Latin 2: 48
  • Frosinone 1: 81
  • Frosinone 2: 75

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