Italy 24 Press News

Green Liguria, two valleys together also for the younger generations –

Meeting attended yesterday afternoon in the council room of the municipality of Chiusavecchia between the mayors and administrators of the municipalities of Arroscia Valley and of Empire Valley

On the agenda is future of school transport for the students of the many villages of the two valleys.

Thanks to the funds of Psr and with the contribution of the municipalities they will be purchased three new minibuses dedicated to school transport and created a dedicated app.

Through the completion of an inter-municipal agreement it will then become possible to proceed with a synergistic and unitary transport service, with economies of scale, even more modern and efficient than the current one.

The very positive outcome of the meeting – he comments Renato Adorno mayor of Rezzo and president of the Union of Valle Arroscia municipalities – confirms the unity of purpose of the administrations of our territory in thinking about the future, starting with our young people

In the last period, relations between the municipalities of the two valleys have actively intensified – he declares Luca Vassallo mayor of the municipality that hosted the meeting – in the name of common work, appropriate and necessary for our territories

After the joint work on the Pnrr concrete and green valleys project – he concludes Fabio Natta mayor of Cesio and coordinator of small Ligurian municipalities – to follow up on the many meetings on strategic issues such as the right to health, today a new stage of excellent teamwork for the good of the valleys and their inhabitants”.

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