Italy 24 Press News

Castel San Giorgio, died in an accident in 2022: 24-year-old on trial

They died both following a violent attack car accident, it was October 28, 2022, in the municipality of Castel San Giorgio. The victims were called Serena Salvati and Michele Ambrosino, aged 20 and 19 respectively. On charges of vehicular homicide, the GUP has sent to trial a 24 year old boy, from Let them be. The trial will begin on September 24th.

According to investigations by the prosecutor’s office Lower Nocera, the two cousins ​​were on board a Volkswagen Up. In front of them was the 24-year-old, inside a C3. According to work carried out by various consultants, it cannot be ruled out that the two cars may have been used in one speed race.

A circumstance that only the trial can possibly prove. The two vehicles, according to the findings, were in fact proceeding sustained speed. Suddenly, the accused significantly reduced his speed, and then turned onto another road. That movement caused the driver of the Volkswagen to lose control and, upon impacting the C3, he ended up overturning, ending his journey. running against a wall and a public lighting pole. L’impact was deadly.

The bodies of the two boys were thrown from the vehicle, at the Torello – Campomanfoli junction in Castel San Giorgio. The boy who lost his life, while driving the car, again according to the investigations, would not have had the possibility of perceiving that the car in front of him would soon slowed down. In short, the impact was inevitable. The C3 would have gone from around 100 to 50 kilometers per hour. The girl he died instantly while the young man was transferred to hospital in Nocera Inferiore. The death he was declared the following day, due to the serious injuries sustained. According to a defense work done by the lawyers of the civil partiesespecially through some technical consultancy, the accused’s movements would have been such as to hold him responsible for the death of the two boys. But with adifferent crime hypothesiswhich was rejected by the judge at the preliminary hearing.

The accused will be tried under the hypothesis of crime of road homicideas well as for violations of the Highway Code, put in writing after the reconstruction of the accident, upon order of the Nocera Inferiore prosecutor’s office. The death of the two young people shocked the communities of Castel San Giorgio and Roccapiemonte. The accused suffered minor injuries, together with a second person, present in the car with him that evening. The first valid hearing for the trial has been set for the end of September. The process will retrace what happened that night, with the expert reports – both those of the prosecutor’s office and the civil parties – to contribute to the reconstruction of the road accident. The same accusedduring the process, will be able to provide his version of facts.


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