Italy 24 Press News

“Urgent meeting requested from the Municipality of Florence. Agreement signed by necessity, to obtain a UEFA license and avoid exclusion from the championship. The places…”

Regarding the situation of the Artemio Franchi stadiumhere is the position of the Florentine reiterated in an official note: “ACF Fiorentina communicates that, on Tuesday 18 June, it sent a formal request via PEC to the Municipality of Florence and the Florence Police Headquarters to request an urgent meeting regarding the available places at the Artemio Franchi Stadium for the next sports season. The Company has an urgent need to know how many and which places will actually be available in order to plan the next season and, in particular, the season ticket campaign which, unlike the vast majority of Serie A teams, has not yet been able to start due to of the lack of certainty about the numbers. The document provided by the Municipality speaks of 24,000 gross seats, but the Club wonders how it can be considered a gross seat and, consequently, how many net seats are there and therefore actually available to the Club and the fans. The Municipality of Florence responded today by offering availability for a meeting next week but, in the meantime, further precious days will be lost while the works at the Franchi Stadium continue to progress”.

And again: “The Club is also keen to clarify the agreement signed for the 2024/25 season and specifies that it had, by necessity, to sign the agreement and, not because it was convinced by its validity and feasibility of the Franchi project, but because, to obtain the UEFA License for the 2024/25 season, as required by the UEFA Licensing Manual, it was necessary to present all the documentation relating to the stadium by 31 January 2024 and, no later than the peremptory deadline of 30 April 2024, all supplementary documentation or additional information. In addition to this, under penalty of exclusion from the 2024/25 Serie A Championship, Fiorentina, by the peremptory deadline of 4 June 2024, had to submit the contract, the usage agreement or an equivalent document relating to the Serie A League and the FIGC. to the usual sports facility that you intend to use, valid at least until the end of the 2024/2025 sports season or for all official matches that will be held in the same sports season”.

And finally: “Fiorentina would have liked to sign, and has asked the Municipality of Florence several times, an agreement for several years, in such a way as to be able to plan its future more carefully, but the answer has always come from the Municipality that it cannot be it could have gone beyond a single year as they could not have any certainty on a time horizon beyond a single season”.

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